I will be moving all investigations (so far) of all photos on the wall and all that I found in relation to the project (if there is one), to this page. 6/30/2016.
Update: Many amazing things have happened, however, relative to this page; the Envisioned Team really does exist, based on this strong evidence, the NASA gloves on the Chair:
An event of an encounter in mid-November of 2020 served to validate my suspicions of 4-5-years that NASA was there (in a future I name Timeline A) at the construction of The Image at Google (this blog's provided free background template image, with no accreditation), the gloves do indeed demonstrate their emblem is present in the Genius pixel work that the image is.
Original Time Travel Wish page from Winter 2015-15-16: The Inexplicable Background Image. Many summary (edited text lifts) will come from this original notes page, to this page for better presentation in a linear/time fashion.
Addendum, 01/02/2017:
1 of 2: RIGHT TWT: The artists duplicates of A and B. Lft A. #Renoirpainted here in #timeline B. Rgt: He painted in Timeline A.
2 of 2: LEFT TWT: The #artist duplicates of A and B. Lft #Monetpainted here: #timeline B. Rgt: He painted in timeline A.

Addendum, 01/02/2017:
1 of 2: RIGHT TWT: The artists duplicates of A and B. Lft A. #Renoirpainted here in #timeline B. Rgt: He painted in Timeline A.
2 of 2: LEFT TWT: The #artist duplicates of A and B. Lft #Monetpainted here: #timeline B. Rgt: He painted in timeline A.

Investigating artworks on left wall:
Appears that 2 of these pieces may be missing artwork. All searches for these works reveal no matches for know similar paintings.
Landscape search:
That appears to be a man fishing on the far right.
My guess is that this is painted on wood. The dull coloring is very much the styling of Jan van Goyen, a Dutch master of prolific works, numbering more than 1,400.
Many Monets were looked at and none could be found with these vertical figures (trees likely), or with a boat, or a dock, in the foreground.
Figure/Tree at far right is inconsistent with the Jan van Goyen displayed below, but all else seems to match.
Found this, possibly relevant:
A close match to the landscape seen in this Jan van Goyen landscape. Stolen from home of Paul Mitchell in 1979.
“Paul Mitchell with the recovered 17th-century painting by Jan van Goyen. Photograph: Antonio Olmos for the Observer European auction houses, dealers and collectors are failing to make adequate checks to avoid handling stolen artworks, an art lawyer has warned after recovering from an Italian auction an old master painting taken from its British owner in a burglary more than 30 years ago.
Text from: http://arthostage.blogspot.com/2014/04/stolen-art-watch-italian-law-used-to.html
Above; a similar Goyen. His montonistic skies and on wood medium, may be a match for the unidentified landscape.
Cities seen from the shore in the paintings of Claude Monet
Search unrecovered stolen artwork by nazis:
Getty Museum on Jan van Goyen, over 1,400 works in lifetime.
Google link to research Jan van Goyen: https://g.co/kgs/MF6NcZ
Images of Goyen: Jan van Goyen, searches of many, show no similarity.
Monet; Lavencourt series paintings:
Best match so far. The dock is a match in scale and shape. The tree background to the dock is a placement correlation. In the small print; there does seem to be a city in the background. A towering object, perhaps a church steeple is apparent at right, but not in the above Monet.
6/30/16 20:14 It is as if one could cut-out a square center of the Monet above and frame it smaller to be what we see here.
Woman with cat Google images:
I have viewed hundreds. Monet did paint several women with cats and a few girls with their cats. The female figure very much appears to be holding a cat. None like this can be found.
Strongly appears to be another woman holding a cat. Monet did many of these, some with girls holding cats.
Renoir; Woman with Cat, images, google: https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&safe=active&sa=G&hl=en&tbs=simg:CAES2AEJo5_1P1XQ4oAQazAELEKjU2AQaAggADAsQsIynCBpiCmAIAxIo3gXaBYUP9w7YG90F7BuIAawBhQL2LNgtwy-YOqwwiTrCL9MtijrALxowMDbSX-mOETRsryin1RqpjT6JXnKKja60iU-WuIjmxyvKj1fXHKVs0tKIT8hJ6WdaIAMMCxCOrv4IGgoKCAgBEgQChsZSDAsQne3BCRo6CgwKCnBob3RvZ3JhcGgKBwoFZ2xhc3MKDwoNcGljdHVyZSBmcmFtZQoQCg5kaXNwbGF5IGRldmljZQw&q=photograph&tbm=isch&ved=0ahUKEwjK1PGi88_NAhUIwYMKHYj8C8IQsw4IKw&biw=1745&bih=903#newwindow=1&safe=active&hl=en&tbm=isch&q=woman+with+cat+renoir

I have viewed hundreds. Monet did paint several women with cats and a few girls with their cats. The female figure very much appears to be holding a cat. None like this can be found.
Renoir; Woman with Cat, images, google: https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&safe=active&sa=G&hl=en&tbs=simg:CAES2AEJo5_1P1XQ4oAQazAELEKjU2AQaAggADAsQsIynCBpiCmAIAxIo3gXaBYUP9w7YG90F7BuIAawBhQL2LNgtwy-YOqwwiTrCL9MtijrALxowMDbSX-mOETRsryin1RqpjT6JXnKKja60iU-WuIjmxyvKj1fXHKVs0tKIT8hJ6WdaIAMMCxCOrv4IGgoKCAgBEgQChsZSDAsQne3BCRo6CgwKCnBob3RvZ3JhcGgKBwoFZ2xhc3MKDwoNcGljdHVyZSBmcmFtZQoQCg5kaXNwbGF5IGRldmljZQw&q=photograph&tbm=isch&ved=0ahUKEwjK1PGi88_NAhUIwYMKHYj8C8IQsw4IKw&biw=1745&bih=903#newwindow=1&safe=active&hl=en&tbm=isch&q=woman+with+cat+renoir
A possibility: the artistic scraping of the Renoir Woman with Cat, may be this picture/painting we see framed as very small.
If not for my observation that the outlines of paintings of the wall’s past had been scorched onto the wall with coal soot and not cleaned, up close to each frame - of missing art, I would not suspect that I am seeing two works not yet seen because they remain missing. The metaphor fits. Keeping with allowing the writer to make discovery through metaphor is consistent at this late date of the experiment.
If not for my observation that the outlines of paintings of the wall’s past had been scorched onto the wall with coal soot and not cleaned, up close to each frame - of missing art, I would not suspect that I am seeing two works not yet seen because they remain missing. The metaphor fits. Keeping with allowing the writer to make discovery through metaphor is consistent at this late date of the experiment.
side by side: conclusion: doubtful.
The right image/painting may be a missing Pierre Auguste-Renoir.
All rights reserved: James Gray Mason / Time Travel Wish, 2016.
#timetravel #interdimensional #missingart #stolenart #NaziArt #nazistolenart
Original Time Travel Wish page from Winter 2015-15-16: The Inexplicable Background Image. Many summary edited text lifts will come from this original notes page, to this page for better presentation in a linear/time fashion.
Addendum, 1/02/2017:
12/30/2016: Update to better present.
The artwork seen on the left side of the scene, that I am now referring to as the timeline B-side. Our side in the overall metaphor that is the clue and the validation for them, that we will be successful, or rather our duplicates in timeline A will find a way to save both us and likely themselves. 2 Tweets summarize the Monet and the Renoir findings of inexplicable nature:
1 of 2: RIGHT TWT: The artists duplicates of A and B. Lft A. #Renoirpainted here in #timeline B. Rgt: He painted in Timeline A.2 of 2: LEFT TWT: The #artist duplicates of A and B. Lft #Monetpainted here: #timeline B. Rgt: He painted in timeline A.
The Day trip with a too old Adolf Hitler:
Discovered from January through September of 2015. Preceding many other abnormalities and inconsistencies on the inexplicable background image. There the instant the website was created. Still too inexplicable. With too many coincidences; all within the context of the experiment. All tied to the experiment.
Discovered from January through September of 2015. Preceding many other abnormalities and inconsistencies on the inexplicable background image. There the instant the website was created. Still too inexplicable. With too many coincidences; all within the context of the experiment. All tied to the experiment.