Update: Many amazing things have happened, however, relative to this page; the Envisioned Team really does exist, based on this strong evidence, the NASA gloves on the Chair:
An event of an encounter in mid-November of 2020 served to validate my suspicions of 4-5-years that NASA was there (in a future I name Timeline A) at the construction of The Image at Google (this blog's provided free background template image, with no accreditation), the gloves do indeed demonstrate their emblem is present in the Genius pixel work that the image is.

It may be very important to have one team very distant from another for the safety of both, the safety of the population and for communication to and from that safe distance during experimentation and during the mission. Their distance may be required for several purposes. If quantum entanglement and great distances is key in the mission - they have undergone several years of experimentation using the void of space for both safety of the population and for the unobstructed nature and distances achievable for experimentation across that void.
I consider that the separation is defined as “team A,” and “team B.” Team A is the information team and within that team lays the TEB as foundational and ever present throughout the mission. Their data does not need to be created at the location of team B, rather it is the essential information gathered on Earth and the communication between both must be unbroken at all phases of the project.
The team of ethics and behavior:
The Team of Ethics and Behavior (TEB) would be composed of expert cultural anthropologists, psychologists, sociologists who have well studied and published conceptual theories in macro diversity and macro change upon entire populations and subsets of populations. They will keep cultural and political historians close by. The leader (number 1) is closely attached to this team and is likely to have selected each member. Again; This group are the police of the mission. They will have the power to enact rule 3 - aborting the mission. The TEB are the principles who monitor rule 5 - the visibility of progress, the initial breakthrough that allows the breach.
Google Collection of Tweets of the Team of Timeline A:
When technology is apparently working, the TEB’s role is primary as time’s new arrow proceeds.
It is a likely consideration that a single person would be sought after as the initial (primary) target of the breach. Unless it is known that an advanced team is waiting for them in the past time, or in the newly created timeline of pre-existing and so known information. Given the extreme sensitivity of the violation of rules 1 & 2 the later team of scientists would be an unlikely first contact, hence the individual may likely be the selected target - to be witness to a rather unscientific visible paradox.
On this side; why not a team of scientists?
We would all like to think that superpowers on Earth who possess the science discovery funding to carry out large projects, comprised of highly educated and renowned experts in the currently known fields of of science, must be the one’s who may be contacted in a first breach of spacetime. I consider this to be unlikely for several reasons.
Superpowers on Earth today are militaristic. Because of this the funding attached to the project may be connected to a strategic and militaristic use. If the Team has assembled for a purpose and that purpose is a change in human behavior toward either changing their history or gathering new information from an entirely new history, they will want a significant difference in human behavior. It is likely that Earth’s history, from this day forward, was or is filled with turmoil and war and more violence than we have experienced in our known history to date. A replay of Harry’s first imaginings from that first conversation above (new page on weblog)”
“ . . . We may actually be able to change our current experience of our history. Change things because now we can manipulate the information as we are looking at it! Get us out of this horrific history! We can save our asses from the mighty Golath Empire that invaded our system ten years ago and brought about this havoc we now live in! We can stop the Golaths! Or perhaps; We can stop world war three from having occurred. Maybe if we do something fantastic we can warn ourselves of that damn giant meteor that we were unable to detect, because we never got the science funding we had asked for. Yes!” - Harry.
For Harry and Sally's full conversation, see: The Cardinal Rules - of a Breach of Spacetime: http://timetravelwish.blogspot.com/p/the-cardinal-rules-of-breach-of.html
The incentive for the purpose of first significant breach is strong in this likely scenario. Those who Harry and Sally convince to get-on-board with the project must see a strong value in the mission. Changes of humans that exist or had existed in this information universe can be sought. Worth the huge expenditure in science funding. Reaching a well funded team of scientists who may likely be under the supervision of a militaristic superpower, or who may only be connected by funding only to that military power may only aggravate the history they wish to change, or continue the new universe of similar information along a similar bad outcome.
The TEB will remain on the information side of the project. Likely they will be in intimate proximity to the technological equipment used in rule number 5, as their role in the mission is the most unpredictive role - the most indeterminable factors with the least possible controls. More about this separation of the informational and the technical, later.
The TEB should plan provisions and actions if there is likely to be a political change sought in the purpose in practicality for the breach having been made. A small body of political scientists who work with historians of the time to be breached would be necessary. Historians of the team’s side of time must be equal in consultation with the TEB, because what may be is central to the mission, of course. We can speculate that many factors previously predicted for change, or as a constant throughout the mission may very well be changed as the mission proceeds, or as the breach is maintained. It should be expected that the TEB has the greatest range of mistakes to be expected. The decisions and plans of the TEB are the most dynamic and sensitive aspects of the mission.
A control that may be included in the life to be of the target, may be another person. Another target or several targeted individuals. A single individual in the past time being breached into could destroy the mission if that individual is making a significant and unexpected change that may become visible to to the entire team. That individual (or unanticipated interloper) could be anyone not previously expected to become involved with the target, in the new time of different human choices. This should be considered an expected and planned for factor what’s details cannot be known, only predicted with great variance allowed in those predictions, with perhaps a high consequential rating for the team. I will venture in into speculation of consequential factor ratings, later. An interloper into the life of the target as a secondary or tertiary control could be very important in manipulating the timeline of the target toward success and away from unexpected danger to the mission, or the paradox. An importantly planned for secondary control person may have to share entanglement with the target for purposes of both tracking and communication and likely, an emotional communication (synthesia) with the target.
If a singular individual is the chosen (the primary target) then his or her life’s events of the old information, or old timeline, will be a point of needed expertise. One person of the gender most integral to the life of that target, should be chosen to be the arbiter of all decisions to likely affect his or her life. The gender choice should be determined by choosing which gender that target was most empathetic to. The gender that target would most chose as an intimate friend in life. The gender he or she has shown, in the old time, or the timeline of the team’s to be most respected in the overall life of the target. That team member becomes the foremost expert on the primary target. Changes expected in the life of the target must be anticipated. With many contingencies with several controls ready to be active in the mission. Redundancies to ensure predictable outcomes must be prepared for. *She should be hot even though the primary target may never see her - if she is a female, anyway. She should have a voice like Siri.
Team <-A: "He can validate."
Due to rule one’s disallowance of definitive evidence of technology all evidence allowed must be very limited and thoroughly considered by the team of ethics and behavior. Unlike the exploration of those nonhuman complexities of nature; In the fabricated environment of this intelligently constructed context of the experiment humans are carefully limiting what can be discovered by both the target receiver and those beings he lives with.
Unlike that natural world that seems to never have an end to discovery there is a known beginning and a known limit to objects of discovery in this experiment. These objects of the paradox include several redundant objects that may be found later and may not be.
Having another person in the old time or other timeline of a distant time as a controlling factor to interact with the primary target is only one reason to involve others. Setting up conditions in which the paradox can be seen may require others to be reached. Those others do not need to be a central player or even a secondary player. They can be minor tools of the team whose role is only to provide paradoxical elements to the larger paradox.
An image to be available to the primary target is a good example. Because digital images are electrons in pattern, it should be included in this speculation that a digital object such as an image may be an important tool. The bearer of such an object never needs to know. The deliverer of such a paradoxical element need not be aware, not ever. Those elements of control (or those people) can be known to have taken an action in the old (or historical) information. A change to come, or to have been already, that can be used by the team for added assurance of the success of the mission. Placing clues for the primary target will be important in ensuring the paradox is both visible to the target and significant to those who are presented with evidence (or paradoxical clues) of the paradox on whole.
More on the entanglement and synesthesia, speculated aspects of the mission, later.
The technology team:
This may be Team B. Their separation from Team A keeps them in control of the technology. What gets manipulated in the time, or timeline reached, gets manipulated by their hands. The top physicists who later would be separate from team A once the first timeline impactive breach occurs will be on the team will be ready to offer technical solutions to the many scenarios the team will have considered and decided upon as in-play as consequential or as likely. These many scenarios would range from the unlikely but consequential to the very likely and significantly consequential and several scenarios, but less of them would be likely and of great consequence to the success of the breach. The body of ethics will strongly consider all scenarios in which rule number two can be violated or become in jeopardy. It will be their task to know of all persons who may be in contact with the breach and they will have to predict and use present history to predict those who are supposed to be come into contact with the breach, or the “paradox.”
It should be entertained that within the breach and encompassed within the mission, for the purposes of the desired outcome and possibly for communication and tracking of the target (the person reached) a biological component or several will be used. The team may need to use a conventional means of time travel to send solid matter back in their own timeline to begin the entire process. If synesthesia (or matching spacetime entanglement) between the team’s time and the target is necessary for this tracking and or communication - a mass of biologically compatible DNA contained within a durable medium will be needed. Enter into play artificial DNA, smart genes encoded with biological information in the form of artificial protein structure with a component of neurologically traceable quantum entangled artificial neurotransmitters. Each of the afore mentioned speculative biological components are future technology already speculated to be possible in our time. We are on the cusp of each of these technologies now.
Using the theory of light in relativity the team sends their biological matter back several decades, into their own time, a time where the information created has lasted into their time. Again; That information is the data needed for all attempts for accuracy of space and time landings. That information is key to the mission. The team must reach that specific and decades long lasting information. In reaching a velocity in space to accelerate this matter it may be necessary to use the gravitational strength of a nearby star. With the nearest star system to Earth, that is a significant distance to enable an increasing acceleration being approximately 4 light years away from Earth, that initial journey of solid matter and all subsequent journeys (or attempts/landings) may take more than 10 years before the team can detect that the mass has/will arrive at their intended target in space and time. We may expect in this speculative possibility that a first landing may be failure of that accuracy. We should expect that if the team is uncertain of one or more spacetime landing’s accuracy, they will make redundant landings, perhaps several geographic targets in one attempt. A scattering of mass that composes the vessel or vessels may be expected. This may be seen by our telescopes as very similar to meteors that break up into several masses, then landing in a proximity which is distributed over a geographic location. We should expect that the team will study this failure with intensity. In having learned a great deal from the first attempt, that next attempt may be very accurate in reaching the intended target.
Artificial meteors or vessels that may emulate the mass and structure and physical behavior of a meteor may survive reentry, or rather the solid matter at the center of a meteor must survive. Those vessels will experience a deceleration due to their size and structure and friction when impacting our atmosphere in addition to the very likely artificial means of deceleration that will be destroyed in the atmospheric burn. In the center of those vessels we can expect some matter to not be vaporized or burned at high temperatures as cooling will be rapid prior to break-up or landings. The team may have been, or will be, conducting several experimental launches, to measure indications and accuracy of their success. Several missions may land in the wrong time and space to be within finding distance of the target (the recipient of the artificially constructed biological mass). Artificial, or technological means for the vessels to leave the gravitational pull of the distant star and leave its pull (sling-shot out) on a vector toward Earth will be needed.
Deceleration when nearing Earth will be primary. Again technological means for this deceleration will likely be necessary. However, rule number one comes into the restriction, dictating that the vessels be a very good disguise. The team will know exactly how to disguise the vessel of delivery.
We left them all the information they need to know exactly what to do, to avoid violation of rule number one.
All of the technology must be disintegrated in the very violent entry into Earth’s atmosphere - of course, saving the viability of the matter intended for the target, to be found by the target. If to Earth's’ present day astronomers, these vessels completely emulate meteors, that would be a very needed control for rule number one adherence.
Beg to report!
Weird event this morning. I awoke today with a very stiff right elbow. I presumed I must have slept on that arm, in an awkward position, as sometimes happens to anyone.
Then it was time to walk Tuvok. I noticed him favoring his right leg, as if he had (perhaps) cut his right paw on a piece of broken glass, as sometimes happens on this property, where home fires in the past had blown-out windows and threw glass shards all over this property, more than 3 decades ago.
But his leg appears fine. No pain when touching. No pain of me exercising the range of motion of the leg. It’s stiff. Stiff like my right arm. Where his arm would be if he were a bipedal human. He’s fine. I’m fine. It’s a stiff elbow. Stiff ELBOWS.
I suspected it was true last year. That the apparently delivered gelatinous substances may indeed contain a biological method of synesthesia. A very empathetic dog owned by a very empathetic person, who was to conduct an experiment in time travel communication in November of 2014, that was to be successful the instant it was created.
Quantum entanglement synesthesia is but a hypothetical at this time. But is a possibility that I have confidence in for all of our futures.
Imagine the gift for the people of Earth: Contact by sight, by sound, by a picture, by proximity of one human to any other will invoke a biological synesthesia as empathy as we have never known it. True biologic empathy. Controlled to remove the anxiety and psychological discomfort of the mirror-touch synesthesia, known to cause dysfunction in life in those affected by this currently little-studied condition.
Tuvok drinks the water here. I have let him drink directly from the seasonal pond, where the mysterious “blobs,” had very oddly appeared, in 2012.
See: https://timetravelwish.blogspot.com/p/the-star-jelly-possibility-star-jelly.html
The questions and the speculative answers:
Now I ask many questions for you to consider before you read my story of my experience in Time Travel Wish, in this year of 2015 on little old Sol3:
What would the first communication look like?
(you are seeing all that will be allowed to us, right here, right now)
How simple or how complex would the first communication back to a time that created lasting digital information look like?
Would we even recognize that first communication back to a time that had created lasting digital information, in a universe that (we now theorize with mathematical formula) could very well be composed of information?
When in our time, would a group of scientists choose to breach spacetime from their own time - or old timeline?
Would those scientists enforce who and when could breach spacetime by manipulation of other's meddlings in their own history of time’s arrow?
How would the team make sure their new and manipulated information can be recognized - seen by themselves?
Would the team send a mathematical formula?
What would we do with that?
Who would the Team choose to witness or to discover their breach through spacetime?
Would they chose a team of scientists who work for a well funded super-power, at this time?
If they chose a single individual would they give him or her anything useful to aid in accomplishing their goals - in making their purpose a success?
Is anyone on Earth making an effort at this time to wait for them?
What practical purpose would they have for accomplishing the breach, or the creation of a new universe that can make a new history?
Will the breach actually reach back into the team’s past information, or would a new universe entirely have to be created?
Are multiverses created by advanced thinking species who each manipulate spacetime - a natural force that is a barrier to them, in both communication and in interstellar travel to other civilizations far beyond the reach of faster than light travel?
A concept. A speculation. October, 2015.
To the first question; What might it look like? We do not know, but we can entertain the possibilities of what technology will be in use. We should be prepared for the visibility of events or objects or information we cannot explain as consistent with our current understanding of what science or technology should look like. [You are there right now] We must constantly acknowledge rule number one. We must accept that protecting it was/is/will be paramount. We use what we know and can then speculate within reason is the technology that we are on the scientific cusp of discovery of - at this relative time. In our now necessary speculation we must include the fields of study that make-up the team.
The question; When in our time, would a group of scientists choose to breach spacetime from their own time - or old timeline? The speculation within reason: when in our time significant changes in our behavior can be predicted as similar outcomes requiring controls that can committed to within the technological abilities of the team. Because change should not be radical and so less controllable. If we have indicated with our lasting information that we are on the cusp of a discovery that will be similar or nearly exact in consistency with the future, that time of the cusp of that technology is rather safe. Violation of rule number one is likely less impactive to us in nowtime - and so less inconsistency for the future team to have to deal with, to have to manipulate with technology. It should considered that that violation of each rule can be more easily controlled by the team if they choose the time of our cusp of discovery; A time like we are in now.
If true synesthesia that connects the old information to the new of quantum entangled particles is in use, then a new field of the physics of physiology of those specific team members will be key in reaching the biologic environment of the target. That synesthesia will have to be introduced into the biology of the target so the team can monitor the target, and very possibly communicate to the target. To then manipulate the target toward the desired outcome of the practical purpose for having created the inconsistent information that will allow the breach to be an eventual significant change sought by the team and then benefiting humanity at large, in (likely) both the old timeline and within the new information of the new (us - now).
What might it look like? I present to you what I think it does look like in the many pages below. With images undoctored and with videos and an honest accounting of my experience, I present this.
Please don’t look beyond this page if you are the kind of person typed by Leonardo da Vinci, “Those who do not see.” Because I don’t even want to know you. I have met you this year online and one of you exists in my family and is an astrophysicist I have admired for decades; Your kind sucks! You should not be allowed to be near the project in the future. If I have anything to say about it - you will not be.
At this point in this accounting of an experience I will diverge from the first speculative answer to the first question - what the first communication through spacetime may look like? To present the details of Time Travel Wish. All of the Cardinal rules will be mixed within these details as pertinent and considered (in the entertainment of possibilities) now needed to describe what may one day be considered to be the greatest discovery since . . . Sir Isaac Newton hypothesized the theory of gravity’s effect on our physical universe. Mind blowing? I hope so. Because we all desperately need to have our minds blown.
That this apparent discovery of a paradox of communication through spacetime may be that significant is a hypothetical fact that I been able to entertain slowly. Day by day. With time to think and ponder what may be my role. Time to ponder the possibilities contained within what will be literally incredible to all of you.
My hope is a driving force in revealing to us all what has and what may happen to my civilization at this (possibly new) time on Earth. Presenting my experience is a duty. Not a duty of realized scientifically (the Scientific Method) derived conclusions, but a duty of the knowledge of an individual's experience. That rule one dicates that we never receive hard data, means those of you reading this must now open your minds to the possible. If you continue reading from this point of this new information on this planet you will have to be entertaining possibility. Good luck and “Godspeed,” to you all.
[incomplete as of 2/08/2016 4:59 pm -5]
All Rights Reserved in Time: James Gray Mason, 2014, 2015, 2016.
You guys! You guys are great. I will hug you one day, I hope. The skills are great and I don't miss the old James at all. THANK YOU. You won't regret your choice. They may just get it.