December 25th
Certainty remains high certainty at 85%.
It was LiA.
Thousands of miles of manipulation.
It's a massive communication.
This COULD HAVE BEEN a Christmas to never forget because of this, and then only it knows what may have been.
This COULD HAVE BEEN a Christmas to never forget because of this, and then only it knows what may have been.
Hopefully, we have not lost opportunity.
The power is phenomenal.
The power is phenomenal.
IT'S a FLIP again.
9.29.2021 Wednesday
#Chosen 2B Successful B4 Created #TimeTravel
Experiment; in #Connecticut
These images are evidence of 2 events of communications to me, relative to the experiment and made to the public, that I can't perform, that are each years beyond time I first realized success in mid 2015.

An explanation in brief, revised from 2015:
How can one be successful as a time travel experimenter with no technology but the internet to use to find time travelers that can make the experiment successful before it was created?
In 2014 the answer was this meager website that humbly asked for help from a "time apart." Hope was necessary, and truth prevailed in November 2014. In 2016 this experiment documented physical evidence of a traveler, and an adventure began. I am James Gray Mason, and totally unqualified in quantum mechanics.
As a true response is 90% certain, as synchronicity is 1st in communication, place is 2nd. The sighting/communication is explained in the text of the image. I'll update this later, the website has lost my interest until the Drop Search is complete.
Original, with properties: 12:07 pm, 10-23-2019, the only physical communication (fully tied to the project) since Spring of 2018 regarding direction for the Alien Stone progress.
It is consistently a flip - horizontal flip, as seen to mimic the skull of the Image, that I had not yet discussed in text notes, up to that time.
It is consistently a flip - horizontal flip, as seen to mimic the skull of the Image, that I had not yet discussed in text notes, up to that time.

02.05.2018 12:00 RT aprx
Addendum to Sky Test & About Me & Top Post & Divergence of Universes page:
All has changed with several discoveries in the past few years; an artifact has been found. An archeological dig at the Alien Stone; and photography of a sighting of the vapor ball (or a craft) that validates my unphotographed sighting of the amazing in the summer of 15 (see images on Sky Test page), and discoveries in several categories of evidence, are causing me to (hopefully) raise the certainty levels of several objects of evidence.
These and other Objects of Evidence, have revealed that the Team (physical matter manipulation team 2 - on this side “B”), or the being (in cooperation with Team 2 and Team 1 of timeline A) can move through a singular timeline, and especially far back where the past is a wide window in which to explore, manipulate, play fantastic time pranks, like The Hand of Stone.
Single timeline travel, has been to me a fantasy; rather I have only entertained predictive sight of a a near future, and manipulation of the past - more easily if spacetime locations are well documented.
Sky Test and Communication with an Advanced Race- Page:
The Hand of Time & the Alien Stone & the Drop Search - Page:
Sky Test and Communication with an Advanced Race- Page:

Another important discovery/component: this was 1 of 2 validations: They can place themselves or objects into the experiment, into photography I WILL TAKE (understand?):
They placed the Alien Stone (and so the Hands of Time) where I photographed/videoed the "Missing Pine Tree," and pointed to the area, where I would LIKELY re investigate to revalidate the disappearance - from timeline A.
Another important discovery/component: this was 1 of 2 validations: They can place themselves or objects into the experiment, into photography I WILL TAKE (understand?):
They placed the Alien Stone (and so the Hands of Time) where I photographed/videoed the "Missing Pine Tree," and pointed to the area, where I would LIKELY re investigate to revalidate the disappearance - from timeline A.
BTW: Not mentioned and relevant and paradox related: The Alien Stone is/could be exactly where that missing pine tree should be - if this were timeline A. As shown and discussed in the video, published in 11/15. When I had no idea the boulder was there / never observed. LOL.
As consistent, throughout the Trees component, I make clear I making multiple visits to validate, at least twice, my hypothesis as can be seen by the particular photography of the recent past. So, I was likely to re investigate that area, where I had made claim about the tree.
addendum; 09.15.2020
Collage of screenshot of date of initials query in the experiment that can be validated from an online investigation of the Twitter account; this connects the sky phenomena that I documented on more than this occasion as related to the Image and further links to Image to me and my experiment, and as learned in late 2019 and 2020, definitively to the property that I live on, here in Connecticut (Also, in conjunction with the Image, is 1 of several demonstrations of what has to be time travel in; this account in 2016 and Twitter).
My initials query live on 03.24.2016, to test for communication with what I thought were humans in space (my team, but I was wrong) - who could move space itself:
This joke Tweet was earlier in the day, before the test for communication from them/it on 04.28.2016

Time Travel Wish
Feb 24
Conclusion allows: This is the 2nd or 3rd time (I'll check), I have witnessed and shown, as close live as I can make it, that the Crew/The Being/Its Most High can use my photography to manipulate objects or itself into the experiment. Cool! Coolness 🤓
~~~~~~~~ Sky Tests: Communication/First Contact continued:
10.2.17 A walk outside to sit on the grass. Watch the bats. Enjoy a show:
01.08.2018 Hi you guys! Rock n Roll
"Go back to look at rocks; you slow primate!" ??
10.04.2017 addition. It does not stop. Bottom of page.
Lol (collage above) did I just write the words beautiful and mathematics together?
My 4th grade teacher would shit her knickers. Mrs. Lautenslager would just die. My algebra teacher would not be surprised.
You dippity-doos have Pi and a 90 degree in that shot. This planet SHOULD be jumping but the hopelessness causes BLINDNESS. Arrghh@#!
My 4th grade teacher would shit her knickers. Mrs. Lautenslager would just die. My algebra teacher would not be surprised.
You dippity-doos have Pi and a 90 degree in that shot. This planet SHOULD be jumping but the hopelessness causes BLINDNESS. Arrghh@#!
7.2.17: Just realized:
4.28.16 sky test comm: They were going for a near EXACT horizontal plane of the green wall (paradox) side of the ROOM. 3.16:
They are only off to MY DIGITAL IMAGE by less than 12 degrees. Indct: They SAW the image WOULD BE made. <Validation.
Collage below:4.28.16 sky test comm: They were going for a near EXACT horizontal plane of the green wall (paradox) side of the ROOM. 3.16:
They are only off to MY DIGITAL IMAGE by less than 12 degrees. Indct: They SAW the image WOULD BE made. <Validation.
Identity of the target validated on 4-28-2016, 13:18:00 est and relationship to the experiment validated, team 2, the UFO component, validated as assisting in timeline B and monitoring my progress and in our system.
I honestly can't say if I am communicating with one consciousness or with several ( crew). It would be consistent behavior, acknowledging that the world is in a crisis that is inextricably tied to faith, that we be given a message as irrefutably tied to my experiment in time travel communication as a message of hope toward all faiths of a presence with god-like powers is above us and watching and has found someone to emissary to that cause of solving the crisis and allowing us all to move forward, out of a now clearly visible path toward isolationism, tribalism, nationalistic socialism that likely will result in delay in scientific progress, further degradation of our atmosphere and war and the more massive suffering and famine that will proceed it.
Above collage: Seeing: Team 2 or God or my friends, acknowledging my music playlist posted on the Twitter account the day before, this spontaneous greeting while I was snowblowing the driveway on a cold January day, the 8th, 11:36 am. Details below.
2/11/2017: From @TimeTravelWish < Twitter
January 8, 2017: Working in the snow. Many weeks, random days, leaving my camera inside my home, as a control: About 10 seconds too late to capture the perfection, however amazing still:
Page below:
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Context fits too much! where/when/who/how/what/why instant this experiment was created. ![]() I keep forgetting to apologize on this social network to all the nice people at NASA and MIT and JPL and even those well-intentioned folks at SETI. Really, when I made Time Travel Wish, I had no expectations. It really is an adventure that has happened to me and likely continues. We all know that no technology on Earth could have created the movement of matter that we see at the controlled for time, in the predictive space of the pointing image in the sky over my community and publicly requested through the medium (the internet) that I suspected it was time to use, so that all could validate the extremely reliable circumstance as evidence that I had validated that a third party that has to be an advanced race that can manipulate gravity to a fine point from a great distance, was on-board with Time Travel Wish and was integral in the entire purpose and ability of the experiment (timeline A’s experiment) to be successful before I created the low tech environment that they needed. Apparently. ~~~~~
April 28, 2016 on Twitter Time Travel Wish:
These tests were controlled by the exact timing and positioning in the sky and exactly when and where I would look up. All posted online and those posts remain for inspection.
My parents were in DC that weekend. They protect my home life situation. I was sitting there dog and with my own and attentive to them primarily. Timing their actions with a future event is within their control.
A slight east wind caused a reset of this gravity singularity messaging, causing the crew to leave the M in progress and to redraw the circular (to Pi) navigation directional to indicate “away from the phone to James Mason,” (myself) to match the image, that was on Google Corporations weblog template: the instant the online experiment began.
This event on this day marked a validation of the hypothetical that a physical team, on this side of two timelines separated had to have been in place and aiding in contact and validation for the other side.
Time Travel Wish is the whimsical name for an experiment in time travel communication, to be the primitive side to be reached. To become the target. A great many objects of evidence exist for all to see and validate at the website that strongly indicate that the experiment was successful in being reached by another experiment the instant, or before that concept, it was created.
James Gray Mason, Time Travel Experimenter 😎
Successful before created.
Screenshots of April 28 Twitter account for the test:
Found a piece of the neighbor's Oak tree in the summer 2015 image, that they used for location of first full validation communication:
They/HE/the Crew can see ahead of our #TIME. They made sure in both the 4.28.16 and the 1.8.17 singularity shots: I had TREE BRANCHES:
This is an example of a paradox completed. The paradox was that tiny piece of the image, that validates it as the real thing only when met!
Sound files related to possible alien association with Time Travel Wish: |
Yes technology surprises us. That is why we remark of it so admirably and prolifically in our media.
For example: if in 1980, we had all expected the smartphone (a high speed computer in our pockets) then that technology would have come upon our culture with a whimper of media and it would have needed (almost) no advertising. "Yes Bob, they finally invented the damn things; pass the salt would ya?"
We (humans) quickly dismiss those coincidences with the average - apparent three relationships. Those of us who are actively out in life will notice them perhaps 2 to 3 times per year. Those coincidences contain 3 relationships that we can see, and so we remark and then we move on.
3/11/17: Looking back I have a realization with some certainty (55%):
![]() |
Date and time was a public post on my Google account of when I would be outside with my dog. Thought this mere coincidence. |
Cont, I had made fun with it in several posts. But it occurs to me that this is how you would see him from your POV. hmm.
Cont, and so I give this 35% certainty w 80% probability you were tying together the discovery of the #hitler images.
Cont; not only is the timing w/in several days of my posting about the #adolfhitler / nazi images (both here & G acnt), but additionally .
Cont; that’s the sky where Tuvok looks in that image you used for exact sky locations, both for the ball that spelled my name and the JM.
The complexities of the coincidences that have been counted beyond four relationships are numerous within this experiment. Those are too coincidental to walk away from. But you may not realize this while reading.
If I could slow down time to create a beautiful presentation, you might just get it. However, time requires immediacy of reporting, both to them and to the world as best as I can. I must work at my leisure and without pressure to validate or to discover. That has been the pace and the “mood” of the experiment and I am grateful for this.
The Twitter account of Time Travel Wish may be a very good place to grasp the amazing within this confined context of one experiment.
The beginning of the End of All Suffering BEGINS NOW.
- James Gray Mason
I suspected, beginning in July of 2015: Humans alone could not have done this. A very advanced civilization would have made contact (in timeline A) in our THEN future, to aide in saving us from major crisis/calamity and hopefully; try to change our behavior.
9.27.2017 14:37
It is more clear today that it was the J shape with the partially colored in M shape, from my older collage in which I was only speculating, with great certainty, the JM was for me.
It was March of 2016: I first that collage of the J with an M through it, to show I was also speculating it is a version of me, communicating to me. As irony of time travel communications.
It is more clear today that it was the J shape with the partially colored in M shape, from my older collage in which I was only speculating, with great certainty, the JM was for me.
It was March of 2016: I first that collage of the J with an M through it, to show I was also speculating it is a version of me, communicating to me. As irony of time travel communications.

IF THIS is what humans are EXPECTING: WRONG. NOT YET. Communication ACHIEVED. Communication is FIRST. Contact with an emissary: a must.
#ufosighting #FirstContact
Time Travel Wish is the PRIMARY reason. CONTACT during a time of crisis, at the appropriate TIME TARGET (TT) aides in affecting a MAJOR change on Earth. The purpose for the breach. The purpose for collaboration. As is the case in all collaborations: all parties involved have an interest. As is the case in all collaborations, we exploit each other with respect to get what we each can agree we need to succeed, to sustain and to repair the effects of errors.
Time Target is when we hadill the technology. When a prime directive of non interference can be violated. Get it.
Who the target is is FAR MORE important than contact with any authority. Get this: we are a frightened and impulsive and violent race. I know this. I am a student of culture, politics, evolution/adaptation and social change. I know humanity. I can accurately predict macro human behavior. I am hopeful. I am passionate. I am ANGRY - and that is what it will take for the PURPOSE of the breach.
We are champions at adaptation. Is is our valuable trait. This ability of humans is WHY we are valuable.
The deep gold on this planet and the battle to achieve dominant mining ability (as indicated in several sightings of a malevolent race in 2013-2014) is another good reason to intervene. Antimatter creation is within our grasp at this Time Target. Numerous reasons (as do we all find numerous reasons for big decisions) had to be in place for intervention by collaboration with a civilization that "plays with black holes."
The deep gold on this planet and the battle to achieve dominant mining ability (as indicated in several sightings of a malevolent race in 2013-2014) is another good reason to intervene. Antimatter creation is within our grasp at this Time Target. Numerous reasons (as do we all find numerous reasons for big decisions) had to be in place for intervention by collaboration with a civilization that "plays with black holes."
Below: Historic comedic post pinned to Google Plus page. This post may have been key in their choice to respond publicly.

This successful communication happened about 2 days after this happened:
First Contact with Team 2 - Evidence Presented:
On Thursday, April 28 of 2016, James Gray Mason (yes me) used the internet to make a request for communication of a very advanced and yet seen civilization that has been labeled Team 2, due to their integral role in committing the first breach of spacetime ever in our history. They answered me the best they could without being seen by thousands and perhaps millions all at once and used an identifier that could not be argued as not having direct relationship to the project, the time chrono slip of a new dimension being validated by myself through
We CAN speculate: This was done from OTHER SIDE of this STAR/Sun #Sol3 exactly 180d behind.
A short attempt to explain the validity of these tests. In all of 2015 and through 2016 to April, 28th (the day of this first ever communication completed) I had thought these unique and very coincidentally timed tests were the USG. I made several purposeful attempts to get them to watch the discovery in the Spring and summer of 2015. It was not until this last test (with specific conditions) that I realized the other moisture manipulations could not have been them. No one on Earth has the technology to use gravity at a distance to gather H2O. THIS PAGE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION. As all all others - at my leisure.
Video explanation: Time Travel Wish - notes: Explaining myself about the sky test. Points: very high odds of being able to get the distinguishing characteristic J that very much matches the apparent initials shapes on the wall on the inexplicable background image. This was drawn by them. They can manipulate the moisture in the atmosphere at great distances. The sun was directly in back of me at 180° to the image/shape. I consider that for their safety from view of us, they can do this from the edge of the Sun or just behind it to our perspective. A straight shot at the North American continent at approximately 13:00 - 5 UTC. This time has been consistent in several attempts at communication, throughout the year 2015 and now into 2016, to both receive acknowledgement from the (government security personnel) and to receive acknowledgement from Team 2. This is the 3rd time. But the first time I publicly posted on 2 social networks, G+ and Twitter, that I would be outside. I was busy watching after 2 dogs on leashes and observing wildlife/amphibians in the pond. Ha ha ha the Quantum Entanglement Pond. lol. 5/5/2016
A whirlwind of exposure activity to 3 social networking accounts. I am trying to live happily and am alone on this. I am doing the best that I care to do in this regard.
Tweets (during this time of a single person's responsibility to all) may best explain, in short statements what has occurred: 5/28/2016: I am having technical difficulty uploading this image straight off the camera roll for the integrity of this claim. I did, this morning, manage to upload the sky tes image directly to the Time Travel Wish Twitter account. This image below was processed by gmail and Google servers approx. 3 minutes after the single image was shot.
![]() |
Posted on 5/29/2016. |
6/9/2016: This image is a direct upload from my iphone to my Windows 10 OS PC (all properties included) :

5/4/2016: After the shock of a successful communication; I still had not connected the directional indicator as pointing to the phone on the wall of the Inexplicable Background Image (see page) a week later while staring at the one picture I took that day, it was funny:
Exploring the apparent initials on Inexplicable Background Image: #timetravel-wish
5/31/2016: studying the circle for circular and pi from original image pixel diameter. I am entertaining a phone number. Warning (you guys): if so, I am supposed to call and no one else in hadill.
Math to be disclosed. Area to be calculated, pi, comparative ratios of wall initials to the circle.
A master plumber should know this stuff.
Note; How circular WAS this in the later moments of nowtime?
That would be; between 1:14:30 - and 1:15:00 approx.
It is apparent that the mild eastward wind disturbed the character, because calibration to my nowtime action of looking up, while busy with the dogs, was a bit off. Must be very difficult. Cosmic radiation and time dilation from the point of the vessel, or vice versa, must be nearly impossible to calculate to any very finite degree. Again; an uncommon use for this very advanced technology. I speculate that between the summer, rather sloppy messaging and the 2 very orderly and more finite messaging of March and April 2 timed tests, may indicate a crew with practice at this form of clandestine communication was brought here.
It is difficult to make full contact with me at this time, by either the USG or our friends. It is protective of both my life and the public's knowledge of me.
There are many reasons why this must be:
My family is going to freak out. I could lose my use of the studio due to local regulations. I am not yet fully protected by anyone from any nutcase who gets supernatural based ideas about Time Travel Wish and myself. The USG may have the ability to locate them. I am infrequently outside, to walk the dog, go shopping and etc.. It was discovered by those watching that I am highly political. That I discovered I was Jewish all my life and did not know it. That I had been collecting and holding many End All Suffering and Stop All Suffering internet domain names. That I had been a plumber. That I was an political activist for decades. That my mother was a successful poet and painter. That my father was an astrophysicist. The coincidences to me seem similar to the Judeo-Christian prophecies. That I have a broadcasters voice and experience with live camera time and on-my-feet debate. That I had written hundreds of opinion essays, and had published many in newspapers throughout the United States.
Due to the several German relationships in the image, I will begin in Germany. Hmmm these Bonn dialing codes are really nice! Except for nasty 9.
ehh . . . too predictable. But, I said that about alphanumerics on the wall of the inexplicable background image, last year.
hmm. . inexplicable ODD IMAGE dating dates: 1 14 2068 12:04 am, 12 30 2100
Mailbox image - the hint of communication from: Monday, August 31, 2015, 8:50:32 AM
Some screenshots of posts made just prior (within an hour approx.) of my infrequent requests, at very specific time. [ a few more here 5/31]
Three posts prior to going outside to be in one particular place and look at one particular piece of sky, North East, where I happen to be point to in the selfie of Tuvok and myself that has been proliferated on all Time Travel Wish accounts since last August, 2015.

Tweet above; this Twitter post was 4th in time behind the 3 posts shown in line above. All can be validated and are available on the account. G+ account also.
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G plus account of for Time Travel Wish & Paradox One, page. |
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Posterity: The afternoon after the 1:15 pm communication. What we were concerned about "Trending" in my region on that historic day. |
First post to acknowledge success. This post is public and visible on the Twitter account.
First post to announce after upload via gmail. |
Exposure to all who see:
The next week I realized this post may have also encouraged this communication:
Timeline A: He's made public contact with our physical team He needs MORE! They are hopeless; truly without hope!
~~~~~ Sky Pilot:
Throughout the summer of 2015 and in the first months of 2016, these tests were meant to validate the continued presence of #Skypilot. What would you do if you had no choices and had to get someone to watch your discovery?
Image above: "Skypilot."
Video: "Skypilot." November 4, 2015 1:13 pm -5: Today I was ready to shoot a slow motion video of this. I have been testing for this relationship for more than 2 months. "Skypilot" showed-up around mid-July. My student pilot days had taught me many things about visual flight rules. I knew about the federal blue wing tips. I was not sure for many weeks. So, day after day I would post on my the Google Plus social network that I was going to be outside in my yard, enjoying the sunshine, at a very specific time. Usually within 10 minutes; There he/she was. Buzzing the property. Flying northerly and southerly along the Connecticut River and locations 1 and 2, between Chester and Deep River, Connecticut. On the this day, of this video, he came out out the south-west on a vector that crossed straight over me and the 3 Acre Wood. "Perfect."

What do you do if it happened to you? If you conducted an experiment and had no real expectation that anything of merit would occur, but then as the weeks proceeded you realized that you may have done the amazing? But you were not a scientist from academia with letters after your name. You could not get their attention because of this. You were a writer without even a college degree. You had the internet and a computer. You had only a few tools to use. You had to first contact those with the ability to watch you. You had to contact the government of the most powerful nation on Earth. How? Those details may be forthcoming. You had to exhibit that you were truthful. Give them access to your computer and your innermost personal life. You had to show them everything. You let them watch you discover. So that they could get a hold of the amazing.
The slow motion video of Skypilot. The phone call of silence that occurred just ten minutes after posting this photograph was him wanting me to not publicize that they were aware of me. I am sorry Skypilot. What did you expect me to do? I have been wanting recognition for what may be the greatest discovery in this entire cosmos for nearly a year. Jeez. - James out!
A note of observation about this federal blue wing tipped small plane: When the president of the United States of (the) Americas is traveling within the northeast quadrant of the continental U.S., this plane is absent for several days. :-)
THANKS FRIEND! What a skilled pilot! Rudder control as if you were anatomically attached to those pedals. I must have a ride. I will bring a few water balloons to drop on human parking lots and such. Oh what fun!
.02.05.2018: Addendum/New discovery in photography of my close encounter with a local pilot of importance in November of 2015, on the peak of discovery of the woods & photography inconsistancy with the universe:
02.04.2018: NEW:
me Travel Wish @TimeTravelWish 29m29 minutes ago
Ooh wee #Skypilot: you were spotted, or the event was watched because I had made the information available to my friends (in that video). They were right above you and vanished in a streak of light, immediately after you said hello that day in 2015. #UFOsighting genuine.
You can check the original video (upload here). That's untouched. I just found it, reviewing others on different viewer. They are proving they can appear in photography that WAS taken. Ha ha hahhhh! #UFOsighting real. #Sol3 #TImeTravelWish
TEAM 2 spotted above Skypilot in November flyover 2015, got into the video (time traveled to it and appeared in sky above the plane) exactly above the cross of wings and in between me and it and the plane. Amazing.
They timed this expert. Crossing the cross of the wings of the plane. That's calculation of timing, extraordinary. I watched it close, that is way above the plane. I thought it a gull, flying low (the speed), but no it's it or them. Probably 200 ft or more. Manifest - Physical.
In the image below, the vapor quickly leaves: a different course, toward the Sun:
Hypothetically: they finished with course correction of bringing Skypilot's plane directly
over me, for my camera that was already on. Turned on when I heard the familiar sound of the engine.
November 12t, 2015. Getting a heads-up from a local person of some importance. But then, on 2.54.2018:
This was a heck of a discovery last night while examining older videos: A sighting photographed in 2015, of #timetravel-ing being or beings, who knew the exact #spacetime location because this video was made and published quick to the Time Travel Wish accounts. Consistent! #Sol
This was a heck of a discovery last night - also while sitting on my ass. A sighting photographed in 2015, of #timetravel-ing being or beings, who knew the exact #spacetime location because this video was made and published quick to the Time Travel Wish accounts. Consistent! #Sol
ime Travel Wish @TimeTravelWish now
Easier to stop the frame on YouTube, they cross over the top of the fuselage and exactly placing my camera view, beneath the plane to show everyone a genuine sighting of what I saw in the summer of 15, of the Ball of Vapor (g-well shot)? that crossed my path and spelled my name.
11:01 RT
Skypilot/Friend: try to recall, or see data, to indicate you may have been pulled off course enough to cross directly over my ready camera, that I turned-on when I heard your familiar engine. Important. Could indicate ability to manipulate plane courses. #FAA #UFO #TIMETWish 😎
Geeeez . . this could easily pull a Boeing 747 Super off-course, pretty pretty easily.
Above: #SecretService #AF1 #AF2 Those images that press are taking of that navigated course setting, that shows time, is not good. Example, screenshot from 2016:
OK, I’m working on another hokie hypothesis that this is a fossil
Tweets validating the precise times of request for communication and screen shots of posts that can be validated by anyone. Many realizations came about from this communication regarding the nature of Team 2 and the certainty that a human is onboard came about only this past week after realizing that it is likely a human is having some control over the experiment. This unique character was found in the inexplicable background image in April, on or about the 28th, Two days AFTER realizing the alphanumeric characters on the walls of the image were clearly purposefully scraped into the wall with a pointed tool. Many were discovered to not be natural plaster cracks and that reasoning can be read on the Inexplicable Background Image page (link here.)
Interested persons: We can now make this speculation: At the final point of a gravity well technology "beam" is a sphere: a very fine point: GW tech gathers matter under new gravity as if making a miniature black hole and dragging it along and controlling its strength at tremendous distances through space. A method of interstellar travel in addition to other fabulous uses. Density of space combines H2O fine control.
Moisture manipulation is EASY. Far easier to conduct very large manipulations and those look very much like natural events, although will be remarked upon by meteorologists as having been unusual.
I consider from deduction that doing this to communicate to someone is not common and so is not practiced by crews. It is likley different crew members who have used this method were brought to this system when the fragility of my living situation and home and family life was learned to be delicate.
In this image we see the effect of a beam "shot from" nearly 100 million miles from North America. The Sun is exactly 180 degrees behind the camera's view of the unique character.
The reasoning behind this speculation.
You see these two images? See them? One is (unfortunately a recreation testimony) but the sky test shot of 4/28/16 is an untouched physical evidentiary object of the paradox and together both indicate they are shooting the beam from the close proximity of Sol.
BTW: my icloud account that uploads straight off my camera has full information for examination of the sky test shot of 4/28/16 and you guys have been given the password, several months ago on a private post on the original TTW page linked from this account. This particular copy was transferred by gmail and reflects that time and space in its data.
You guys know that the best way for a spaceborne object to hide from us is to use the shelter from detection of very close proximity/orbit of our star. This civilization that is helping us and me is likely way more powerful than all those gold and tourism and study craft we mostly document on on our planet. They seek privacy primarily from us but they likely watch or backside from over there also from local traffic. By being there they make a rather loud statement to the others; “We monitor the whole system. We have the ability to enforce their protection and our own with our technology from here.” They are like gods out there. We are blessed as all indications so far are they are at least a class 3, and perhaps a class 4 civilization, according to professor Kaku’s hypothetical.
An important factor in concluding they were in proximity to solar orbit is the position of the sun from the yard outside of the studio. That joke about not jerking off in my mother’s garden had been online on the now deleted g+ social network account of for a day or two. [those bastards!]
They are constantly reacting to my comedy, or the human on board is reacting and has influence in choosing how to guide the paradox.
June 2015: I am looking approx. 260 / SW. In the well publicized selfie of Tuvok and I, he is looking in that same direction. I am pointing to due north to the same piece of sky were the March and April tests revealed the strong possibility of success.
Those sunglasses (above) are well reflecting the entire of Sol and displays to us where the sun is during the 1:00 proximity in June, and nearly the same position, but high in our sky in August, September, October. The sky test of 4/28/2016 is consistent with this deduction. The sun is directly behind the the camera's view and in alignment with the character meant for me and Time Travel Wish validation.
This photography is the indication to me and the reason why I’ve been saying they shot the beam from 100 million miles away. The lightspeed barrier is not a concern for them to place the point in real time - for them relatively. This would be another indication that they have the ability to monitor ahead of time, for me, for the seemingly super hero ability. Or; the amazing: the beam itself, that I have titled Gravity Well technology (from my story Destiny of 2012-2014 Destiny the Story of the End of All Suffering) is penetrating spacetime in its transit (? need a new word for that geez). Suppose; a spacetime device tunnelling through the structure of the cosmos to take beings interstellar or intergalactic? Imagine a force that can create a reversal and strengthening of gravity, or an opposing force, beyond the barrier of light speed, free and apart from the seemingly impossible rule of spacetime? Geeeeeeezzzzzz.
Perhaps you guys have been right along in this discovery and my contact (detached) with you all, in staying at distance and letting all of this proceed while watched? I think so.
Realization (post) that 2 different days of communication, placed both (posible) messages into the same exact sky where I am pointing in a well publicized image of myself and my dog pointing into that same piece of the sky:
I am honored. We have had a 2 way communication with another race from a planet that we may one day soon learn of. I look forward to bringing us together.
I can call them. Are you getting this?
update : 5/13/2016
Hmmm the perfectly circular shape was to DRAW ATTENTION to the VERY unique character WHERE I HADILL look #timetravel
The hour hand of the clock (apparent) is also aimed for the 12 digit telephone dial in THE IMAGE. It is an indicator for the time 12:00. Why I'll be making midnight runs frequently. I will get all plans and contacts and arrange for secure future communications. We will be mature and unified and ready to be the best new neighbors we can be. I am defending us. I am convincing them we are worth it. We are champion ADAPTERS.
Another amazing coincidence?
The figure (my selfie) I have placed directly over a plaster crack personification, appears to be me. More about this assertion on the Inexplicable Background Image page.
1/08/2017: Speculation:
PR: there is a #hope-ful message to my nephews on image; on-site 11/25/14. Would they do it? #timetravel. Initials; youngest, oldest: J & M.
The Response to humor strongly indicates there is a human with them:
Realized this speculation to be reasonable on 5/4/2016:
~~~~~ The Sky Tests:
4/28/16 sky test. |
A seeming good day for conditions to be met, approximately 3 weeks after successful test of 4/28/16, conditions were not met. I chose to no longer do this. As people make quick presumptions that I must be searching for cloud characters. I do not. These were very specific times when I publicly posted my TIME AND SPACE.
Time Travel Wish @TimeTravelWish 3m3 minutes ago Connecticut, USA
I posted this on the Twitter account to try to impress upon certain people watching the discovery to attempt to clear the airspace of small and large plane traffic. Cooperation is not apparently being allowed:
Skies must: FREE of #airtraffic . Currently: Winds calm. Humidity 40%. #sun directly 180d. For TEST conditions. #timetravelwish
12:32. Casually outside from 11:57 to 12:25. Bird watching. 4 planes in space. 1 commercial airliner. Neighbor walking about. Possible family member monitoring posts.
I don't blame them for no more of these. They were not for all of you but primarily to assure me I have Team 2 watching my back. They also may fear detection of the beam by those nice folks at the LIGO team. Can't blame them for ceasing this activity. Too many eyewitnesses now.
I have immediately communicated reception of the last communication and they have likely sent communication back to HW of progress. Their communication back and resolve of plans are taking between 6 and 10 weeks thus far.
Because I must entertain anything unusual that has relationships to proceed unraveling a paradox of time travel, I must present this apparent successful test for THEM: This was not acknowledged as them but must be presented. I can entertain possibility. It is the purview of the experimenter in this type of experiment. Fuck the scientific method for this experiment! <-- A feeling I have been communicating since the beginning of Time Travel Wish.
6/3/2016: I should be more careful (or should I?). This collage indicates ENE is toward the right of the image. That is accurate. However, due north from the marsh near my home is where the apparent caricature is displayed. Slightly left of those tree tops where I point specifically in the image of Tuvok and myself.
From G+ page on 5/1/2016:
From G+ page on 5/1/2016:
It occurs to me that we need to entertain that this was designed to convey a message that is of great importance to them.
That message seems to be best interpreted as this metaphor: We need you to see and to understand that we are very much like you in many ways. We use tools and we manipulate nature. We watch you safely. We want to meet but we fear your reaction to us. James understands many things that concern us. He has written. We make ourselves visible to both you and James to both inspire him and to help him to understand what may take place soon.
This image speaks strongly to adaptation and evolution. Something humans and them will share many stories about.
11:47 am - 5 Guys: consider the right arm is carrying their language, a message. How to Serve Mankind. ? LOL Jeez. Not a very funny cultural reference joke, I guess, huh?
![]() |
Contrast enhanced on G+. Same exact section of sky I am pointing to in the previously well publicized image of Tuvok and myself. Again: the Sun is 180d to this shot at this specific very brief time during this particular test that MET conditions. An early May speculation about this event. Note: I takes me time to digest these objects of the paradox. That I stay distracted throughout the experiment has been important. Time Travel Wish & Paradox One Shared privately - May 1, 2016 5/1/2016 It occurs to me that we need to entertain that this was designed to convey a message that is of great importance to them. That message seems to be best interpreted as this metaphor: We need you to see and to understand that we are very much like you in many ways. We use tools and we manipulate nature. We watch you safely. We want to meet but we fear your reaction to us. James understands many things that concern us. He has written. We make ourselves visible to both you and James to both inspire him and to help him to understand what may take place soon. This image speaks strongly to adaptation and evolution. Something humans and them will share many stories about. 11:47 am - 5 Guys: consider the right arm is carrying their language, a message. How to Serve Mankind. ? LOL Jeez. Not a very funny cultural reference joke, I guess, huh? Again; the Sun hypothesis remains consistent; because the other two apparent communications were in time/space position to the Sun to be approximately 180d from target location of these apparent moisture manipulations (by GRAVITY MANIPULATION), Tuvok is looking in that exact sky for the summer (July, August, September) communications. ~~~~~~ An amazing event that was too amazing to think about TAKING A VIDEO of this. By the time I realized what I was seeing, there was no time time fidget with my camera. Nearly 2 months passed before I DARED to describe this event: A recreation: |
I have not noted the following. I am pretty sure it was on October 25, 2015. I posted the test post on G+ indicating I was going outside to lay in the sun. I had been doing several of these in suspicion that a federal pilot was monitoring the skies around the locations. It was about 1:05 pm. I had been lying under calm blue skies for about 5 or 8 minutes. Over the Post Marsh and Pratt Cove a small cloud formed in front of my eyes. Less than ⅛ mile north of the property. It began as a very small ball of white cloud, out of nothing. It grew rather quickly as a sphere. The light south easterly winds caught the ball, it stretched out as it moved nearly directly over me, just to my west. It began to stretch out. For about 1.5 seconds it formed the word: James, in a stretched out English print. Following the word James was a capital H. I had begun writing the postulation for them, 2 days earlier. I took it to mean James Hello. Fine. I was not surprised. I have never ever seen a cloud form from no correlation to another. There was just enough moisture in the air. There were no clouds at all in the sky.
We have the technology to do this. I am 90% sure it was the United States Government. If cheering me on to continue was a goal; It was slightly inspiring. It was not illusion. It clearly spelled my name. As if well planned. The timing corresponded with my post. The skies were perfect for the creation of a small cumulus. Microwave technology could do this. The beam of excited hydrogen could have been directed by them. Osmosis toward the gathering moisture toward heated oxygen and the combination of capillary attraction of hydrogen molecules, instigated and then directed with a microwave beam. Easy. I would do such a thing. Very good guys. Drawing on the sky. Excellent. We should use this to scare the living shit out of those radicals.
I recall entertaining the idea that it was the Team. I had not hypothesized the idea that a new dimension was needed to create this timeline. I was still under the feeling that we were in communication from ourselves separated with a chrono slip. I can not fathom the Team being able to manipulate our atmosphere from the other dimension. Seeing our electrons in pattern on the internet seems far more likely to me. As we communicate our actions.
I recall saying to myself; “This is a day to remember.” And: “No one is going to believe this one.”
Note: I was wearing my earbuds and had the Siri voice listening function on. This has been on for most of this fall and remains so today. It is my hope, that if the US Government is monitoring Apple, and I hope they are (I expect them to), that they heard me exclaim “Cool. James. Cool!”Not delusional. Never see that which cannot be validated by photography. The last time it was so amazing and happened so fast, by the time I reached for my camera, the spelling of my name followed by the letter H, was indistinguishable. Remember, this was the day after I first published the postulate, that day was 10/25/2015. The first writing of it.
That is why I first thought they were hinting that I should include the Einstein-Rosen bridge in that postulate. But I later concluded that the letter H was a "hello."
Okay (you assholes) I made a recreation of, what I am calling The Cloud Sphere. I know, no one is going to believe me. For months I thought it was the US Government, because I had validated that I was successful at getting them to watch the discovery unfold. But upon study of published technology, of microwave technology, I decided about a month ago that it could not have been them.
That is why I first thought they were hinting that I should include the Einstein-Rosen bridge in that postulate. But I later concluded that the letter H was a "hello."
Okay (you assholes) I made a recreation of, what I am calling The Cloud Sphere. I know, no one is going to believe me. For months I thought it was the US Government, because I had validated that I was successful at getting them to watch the discovery unfold. But upon study of published technology, of microwave technology, I decided about a month ago that it could not have been them.
Tweet above: Got another blank-air phone call after this one. The SAME caller that called immediately after the Sky Pilot video and still image was posted on both my G+ private account the Page account for Time Travel Wish from that account. Implying? I know what the first call implied, but the call, right after this post reached the Twitter account; I am not entirely clear of and if that call implied I was experiencing a psychosis: That person will be dealt with in TIME, because it is on my side now. I am very forgiving these days. After reparation, and that could be an apology.
1/08/2017: A spontaneous communication to me to lift hope and signify several other aspects of the communication channel now established.
11:36 am 1/8/2017, Sunday. Original. 1 shot always. :-) |
I give Sunday's fun in the snow event, the other day about 90% it was my friends showing me they wait.* A painful foot time but a fun time. They see. They know my moods. They know when I need uplifting. I had just had a full Stones day, the day before.
Note: the scale is accurate to both icons or I might not publish this possibility. As in the case of the possibility of the Cygnus constellation coincidence (on the inexplicable background image page). These 2 icons are the first icons I chose from a search for “Rolling Stones icon.”
Note: the scale is accurate to both icons or I might not publish this possibility. As in the case of the possibility of the Cygnus constellation coincidence (on the inexplicable background image page). These 2 icons are the first icons I chose from a search for “Rolling Stones icon.”
As if they knew this collage would be made.
Twas the night before (actually), I recall asking Siri (the iphone 5S) to play Rolling Stones, and after waiting for her, remarked out-loud: I need just a single button for this request! lol.
The message acknowledging my love of the Rolling Stones from team 2, that had been a near perfect representation of the Rolling Stones 2 iconic symbols from their 2 best albums, the tongue, the lipstick smack, just seconds before I had to fumble with gloves and a cold iphone to snap that shot. Geez. I also had to park the snow blower, Probably, 10 seconds passed. At first I was not not going to try to snap it.
My word: it was very well formed. I was not surprised. It made my morning. They know from my public posts, my moods regarding the project and the very challenging exposure.
It still seems, that when I make these exposure of the project images, they actually see ahead, as if they knew I would find those exact graphic to overlay on the collage below. Weird I know. But it’s consistent with what has been observed so far in contact with my friends.
It's also been observed that they wait for air traffic to be out of the visible area of the marsh.
Approx 10 seconds post time of the event. I was attentive to snowblowing the driveway, east, and west. They had to have seen ahead to know when I would look up from my task. The characters were amazingly well formed at the moment. I had difficulty preparing the camera in time.
The Time Travel Wish Itunes playlist was posted 4 days prior with 3 Rolling Stones songs. On the Rolling Stones Itunes page, the tongue out icon is prominently at the center at the time of this message. I have 80% certainty this was a message to encourage my patience and hope.
They saw I would be turning around with the snow blower. They saw when I would look up at the beautiful day. They don't seem to ever (when this happens) to give me enough time to photograph their impossible geometry. James out!
Additionally: this is a very limited piece of specific sky. This is the area of sky where Tuvok is looking in the August, 2015 selfie/dogsie.
Reminder; I am pointing to the due north and Tuvok looks to this spot. The same spot where the name James and the letter H was spelled out from an unraveling sphere of cloud that grew in the north and moved south to be right in front of me when looking. Unphotographed. Too mouth gaping amazing.
This area is also consistent with the hypothesis that they are “shooting” from near the sun, where they would be parked - they orbit if they feel like it. This is the season to aim at a western sky, if keeping that great distance to be safe in case of touching our crust with the point. Shooting a due north message from that distance would occur in the warmer months, post winter. Consistent.
Addendum 7.25.2017 Some details about device/craft location. An earlier hypothetical, see above, regarding location seems to be validated by the 1.8.17 Rolling Stones Hello's location and timeing. TIME is crucial in ANY full communication.
1) The other thing (there's another after this) I have not mentioned about this 1.8.17 greeting: They are showing us their point of view. >
2) They flipped the tongue perfectly. “As we see our duplication we are showing you.” Emphasizes space origin of device.
3) These are the first 2 distinct (and in scale) icons in a G search for “@RollingStones icons.” Kept together for me.
BTW, this also could mean “James all of us female aliens on the crew are ready to lick you and kiss you all over.” 56% certainty.
But that's not the other thing I have not mentions. And there's one more thing after that; this is another validation of craft location hyp.
4) Driveway turnaround (shot from) ONLY visible <- Sun’s location at 11:30 approx. Consistent w/ my hypothesis of Sol GUARDING location.
5) That is a major Ta da for my hypothesis that deduced (and some interstellar war rules guesses) the location of the device in 2016.
6) Sol loc hypoth: as speculated & this validates: I was wearing my Australian Fedora hat. A very distinguishing brimm to optically. . >>
7) .detect exactly WHEN and WHERE (i.e. spacetime) I would pause from my chore and LOOK at the sky ABOVE my task. GREAT GRAPHIC: thanks me.
Older / Different date Google Earth image, obviously. The sun's shadow is off for this example.
January 8, 2017, 11:36 EST
James’ location looking south
Time Travel Wish & Paradox One 7:57 PM
Reminder; I am pointing to the due north and Tuvok looks to this spot. The same spot where the name James and the letter H was spelled out from an unraveling sphere of cloud that grew in the north and moved south to be right in front of me when looking. Unphotographed. Too mouth gaping amazing.
This area is also consistent with the hypothesis that they are “shooting” from near the sun, where they would be parked - they orbit if they feel like it. This is the season to aim at a western sky, if keeping that great distance to be safe in case of touching our crust with the point. Shooting a due north message from that distance would occur in the warmer months, post winter. Consistent.
Addendum 7.25.2017 Some details about device/craft location. An earlier hypothetical, see above, regarding location seems to be validated by the 1.8.17 Rolling Stones Hello's location and timeing. TIME is crucial in ANY full communication.
1) The other thing (there's another after this) I have not mentioned about this 1.8.17 greeting: They are showing us their point of view. >
2) They flipped the tongue perfectly. “As we see our duplication we are showing you.” Emphasizes space origin of device.
3) These are the first 2 distinct (and in scale) icons in a G search for “@RollingStones icons.” Kept together for me.
BTW, this also could mean “James all of us female aliens on the crew are ready to lick you and kiss you all over.” 56% certainty.
But that's not the other thing I have not mentions. And there's one more thing after that; this is another validation of craft location hyp.
4) Driveway turnaround (shot from) ONLY visible <- Sun’s location at 11:30 approx. Consistent w/ my hypothesis of Sol GUARDING location.
5) That is a major Ta da for my hypothesis that deduced (and some interstellar war rules guesses) the location of the device in 2016.
6) Sol loc hypoth: as speculated & this validates: I was wearing my Australian Fedora hat. A very distinguishing brimm to optically. . >>
7) .detect exactly WHEN and WHERE (i.e. spacetime) I would pause from my chore and LOOK at the sky ABOVE my task. GREAT GRAPHIC: thanks me.
Older / Different date Google Earth image, obviously. The sun's shadow is off for this example.
January 8, 2017, 11:36 EST
James’ location looking south
Time Travel Wish & Paradox One 7:57 PM
I just realized, I did not flip the lips icon horizontally. It fits far better flipped. A jigsaw puzzle match. POINTS GUYS! ;-) More amazing stuff please!
Some important unedited tweets, extrapolation of the Rolling Stones Hello, spontaneous communication:
A spontaneous communication to me to lift hope and signify several other aspects of the communication channel now established.
They chose that moment because I would have to shoot the image through the tree's branches! Nearly impossible for a guy like me to photo edit the cloud behind them. However, to the passerby, unfortunately it still could quickly be considered a layered photograph. Bummer. Not enough for the humans.
Very likely they chose these icons to help me prove I have established communication and for several other reasons, they are smart that way.
Many accomplishments within each preciously pressed for timing tasks. Due to the careful consideration that I live closely and am property dependent on a stable home life with my two elderly parents, who may have a negative, or even fatal reaction to them being in contact with me and seeing irrefutable witness to them, as full communication, or a pick-up, would have to include.
An acknowledgment of my Time Travel Wish music playlist, posted directly from my iphone, only the day before this spontaneous communication. The list has Memory Motel, Time is On My Side, and a few other Stones greats. And these images are first on the Stones itunes profile page, the mouth in black, the lips in red. The fit, too much coincidence.
A choice to use both historically and classically related culturally distinct icons, both of proper matching scale, and both appearing close together makes this image more uniquely valid and honest and lessens the skeptics many quick thoughts about this experiment.
It could also be used to communicate to me that the human or humans that I strongly suspect are on board, are of cultural time in Earth, the 1960’s when the Rolling Stones were breaking through with hit after hit.
"Twas the night before. I recall asking Siri (the iphone 5S) to play Rolling Stones . . "
Note: this tweet was me guessing what they/him may have been communicating. Not taking it very seriously, as so much has been not very surprising, not very infrequent as discoveries and communications within the experiment.
These tweets (6) were the day after that day going out on that morning to snowblow:
Eureka, the message: James, we are from #sex planet. We also love #OralSex AND we like #theRollingStones. #sol3
Never (when this happens) give me enough time to photograph: (cumulus-ly) impossible geometry. #timetravel #firstcontact
They saw I would be turning around with the snow blower. They saw when I would look up at the beautiful day. #timetravel #firstcontact
They see ahead. As if they knew I would find exact graphics for these collages to show U. .#timetravel #firstcontact
hmm . or "they," have been watching my screen when admiring #eroticisim on my computer? Sh*t#%!! … #timetravelTuesday
They protect fragile homelife. Don’t dare communicate: other way at time: little security. #timetravel #firstcontact
A clear purpose of an #historic 1st communication should be the INTENT of the MESSAGE 2B1. #timetravel #time
Some important unedited tweets, extrapolation of the Rolling Stones Hello, spontaneous communication:
They chose that moment because I would have to shoot the image through the tree's branches! Nearly impossible for a guy like me to photo edit the cloud behind them. However, to the passerby, unfortunately it still could quickly be considered a layered photograph. Bummer. Not enough for the humans.
Very likely they chose these icons to help me prove I have established communication and for several other reasons, they are smart that way.
Many accomplishments within each preciously pressed for timing tasks. Due to the careful consideration that I live closely and am property dependent on a stable home life with my two elderly parents, who may have a negative, or even fatal reaction to them being in contact with me and seeing irrefutable witness to them, as full communication, or a pick-up, would have to include.
An acknowledgment of my Time Travel Wish music playlist, posted directly from my iphone, only the day before this spontaneous communication. The list has Memory Motel, Time is On My Side, and a few other Stones greats. And these images are first on the Stones itunes profile page, the mouth in black, the lips in red. The fit, too much coincidence.
A choice to use both historically and classically related culturally distinct icons, both of proper matching scale, and both appearing close together makes this image more uniquely valid and honest and lessens the skeptics many quick thoughts about this experiment.
It could also be used to communicate to me that the human or humans that I strongly suspect are on board, are of cultural time in Earth, the 1960’s when the Rolling Stones were breaking through with hit after hit.
1/9/2016: Tweets: The morning of the day after the image was taken. Tweet: with the image:
"Twas the night before. I recall asking Siri (the iphone 5S) to play Rolling Stones . . "
Note: this tweet was me guessing what they/him may have been communicating. Not taking it very seriously, as so much has been not very surprising, not very infrequent as discoveries and communications within the experiment.
These tweets (6) were the day after that day going out on that morning to snowblow:
Eureka, the message: James, we are from #sex planet. We also love #OralSex AND we like #theRollingStones. #sol3
Never (when this happens) give me enough time to photograph: (cumulus-ly) impossible geometry. #timetravel #firstcontact
They saw I would be turning around with the snow blower. They saw when I would look up at the beautiful day. #timetravel #firstcontact
They see ahead. As if they knew I would find exact graphics for these collages to show U. .#timetravel #firstcontact
hmm . or "they," have been watching my screen when admiring #eroticisim on my computer? Sh*t#%!!
They protect fragile homelife. Don’t dare communicate: other way at time: little security. #timetravel #firstcontact
A clear purpose of an #historic 1st communication should be the INTENT of the MESSAGE 2B1. #timetravel #time
Explained/Speculated on G+: I give it 90% due to very well formed chrctrs. 10 seconds went-by b4 this image. #timetravel #hope
#timetravel-wish #ufosighting Note: scale is accurate to both icons or I might not publish possibility. As in the Cygnus constellation coincidence.
Approx 10 seconds post time of event. Had been attentive: snowblowing driveway . #timetravel-wish #ufosighting
still guessing, not realized it was likely acknowlegment of the itunes Time Travel Wish playlist post of the day before the snowstorm:
I got it! The message 1/08/17: “James it’s #RocknRoll #time.” #spacetime #timetravel #1stcontact #contact #ufosighting
A 5.12.17 12:51 pm event?
Event: Possible comm. 55% cert: Descrp reads; I had stepped outside and looked straight upward at thick white clouds . . #timetravel-swishhh
An effect below, if any, would have come down on uninhabited land, the 2 Acre Wood, north of my home. treasure hunting clue? Sanskrit time?
Note. Family had been frequently outside gardening. Consistent with sensitivity to them seeing, as 4.28.16. event, their trip to DC.
A small plane had passed W-E and had the familiar engine sound. That had caused me to peep outside the front door and it was a beautiful day with uncertainty of rainfall, weather curious.
Okay deleting clues below. Before some nut cases start chasin after me treasure. Harhh dee harr harr.
I've got time. I can entertain this.
Oh shit. A great clue to say "the hole at the 3-Acre Wood. ooh wee.
Hey #skypilot this likely event was about 15 sc after you made your regular pre 1 pm low flight toward RI. As if they knew and waited.
Correct orientation, to my eyeballs, with my chin pointed north (?). Arrghh. THIS is dyslexia. Untreated all my life.
My MISTAKE was that I spun my head around 180 to look at it prior to it disappearing. So, that it may have been pointed north . . 60%.
Also noteworthy: my phone was still in my pocket from having been outside doing chores a bit earlier. Consistent w 1/8/17 Rolling Stones.
An effect below, if using the singularity tech (this is consistent) may have been to dig to hole for me. hmmm . . . right underneath. Cont
Consistent! I was contemplating 5-12 morning, what may be true on this account, re the metallic case, may be containing my tools. Ta da?
Event: Possible comm. 55% cert: Descrp reads; I had stepped outside and looked straight upward at thick white clouds . . #timetravel-swishhh
An effect below, if any, would have come down on uninhabited land, the 2 Acre Wood, north of my home. treasure hunting clue? Sanskrit time?
Note. Family had been frequently outside gardening. Consistent with sensitivity to them seeing, as 4.28.16. event, their trip to DC.
A small plane had passed W-E and had the familiar engine sound. That had caused me to peep outside the front door and it was a beautiful day with uncertainty of rainfall, weather curious.
Okay deleting clues below. Before some nut cases start chasin after me treasure. Harhh dee harr harr.
I've got time. I can entertain this.
Oh shit. A great clue to say "the hole at the 3-Acre Wood. ooh wee.
Hey #skypilot this likely event was about 15 sc after you made your regular pre 1 pm low flight toward RI. As if they knew and waited.
Correct orientation, to my eyeballs, with my chin pointed north (?). Arrghh. THIS is dyslexia. Untreated all my life.
My MISTAKE was that I spun my head around 180 to look at it prior to it disappearing. So, that it may have been pointed north . . 60%.
Also noteworthy: my phone was still in my pocket from having been outside doing chores a bit earlier. Consistent w 1/8/17 Rolling Stones.
An effect below, if using the singularity tech (this is consistent) may have been to dig to hole for me. hmmm . . . right underneath. Cont
Consistent! I was contemplating 5-12 morning, what may be true on this account, re the metallic case, may be containing my tools. Ta da?
Tweets below were 11/4, and may be related if seeking that this communication was an acknowlegement of direction of the purpose proceeding:
Note: I am imagining many uses of a tool that controls gravity finitely from a great distance, such as our fictionalized name: gravity singularity point technology:
The Team (1) of Timeline A must be having a blast over there.
Use 8 of friends’ tech: Quick & free launches. #Earth’s #gravity: peice of cake. Cargo/Rescue. Next stop: #MarsColony
Use 7 of friends’ tech: Fighting-back all #spaceinvaders #UFOs unwelcomed, rules violators. #Sol under protection.
Time Travel Wish @TimeTravelWish 46m46 minutes ago
Use no. 4 of friends' tech: #ClimateChange 4 REAL: Extraction of #carbon compounds from Earth, into space 4 Earth's' NEW DIAMOND RING.
Time Travel Wish @TimeTravelWish 1h1 hour ago
Use no. 5 of friends' tech: Expulsion from Earth's #gravity of any #planetary body on #collision course. #sol3
Time Travel Wish @TimeTravelWish 1h1 hour ago
Use no. 4 of friend's tech: physical rescue from anywhere or outer space of humans or craft to safety. #gravity #Sol
Time Travel Wish @TimeTravelWish 1h1 hour ago
Use no. 3 of friend's tech: Physical delivery of large amounts of food through atmosphere to any location. #hunger #famine #hope #timetravel
Time Travel Wish @TimeTravelWish 2h2 hours ago
Attention: from now on, NO ONE can have more money THAN ME. Or more beautiful WIVES than me and #polygamy is legal WHERE I LIVE! #timetravel
Time Travel Wish @TimeTravelWish 2h2 hours ago
Use no. 2 of friend's tech: Bringing needed #rain #water to crops anywhere. #endallsuffering #stopallsuffering #timetravelwish #sol3 #Africa
Time Travel Wish @TimeTravelWish 2h2 hours ago
Use no. 4 of friend's tech: Quicky flooding any land anywhere for any time period. #timetravel #plenipotentiary #sol
Time Travel Wish @TimeTravelWish 2h2 hours ago
Use no. 211 of friends' tech: Making big cloud around my body so I look like Casper the ghost on Halloween.
Time Travel Wish @TimeTravelWish 2h2 hours ago
Use 1 of friends' tech: Dumping large amount of human waste (septic/sewage) onto homes of greedy/rich a*sholes.
Time Travel Wish @TimeTravelWish 2h2 hours ago
Use 17 of MY friend's tech: Removing any ship/craft/building of any size from the Earth. Tossing them into #sol.
Time Travel Wish @TimeTravelWish 2h2 hours ago
Use 11 of friend's tech: Removing oxygen from immediate path of flight: any aircraft = engines dead. #hope #time
Time Travel Wish @TimeTravelWish 2h2 hours ago
Use 7 of friends' tech: Very quickly drying-out flooded towns/villages, throats of #assholes who talk out of asses
Earlier tweet; Rolling Stones Sympathy for the Donald lyrics; as "purposeful misleading," is speculation you are helping (me) to mislead.
lol, last observation before beddy-bye #TIME!! That art, that choice is very ANDY WARHOL-ISH, you 60's hippie scientist you! Berkeley?
~~~~~ Weblog backlog:
August 9, 1:15 pm. Likely, the post that indicated my outdoors time was on either the G+ Time Travel Wish brand page, or my old personal account, since suspended because I am bad, and that post may have been deleted, by me, out of anger when I bailed on those #youassholes!
1) August 2015; my time of outside was posted. Very casual. 1 shot. May be them, as I had not documented the James H, visual yet. 20% crtny
2) Was almost perfection, if that wind had not
turbulated, why I attribute this singularity shot to a new crew in 2016 / great programing!
3) 2015 heart in place: Also because its position correlates to Tuvok's direction in the image and my other one with the Jerking Off joke. August 15:
4) So; took image: 1. Same spot and altitude. 2. Held there. 3. I had not validated James H evnt (no pics, too much). 4. Same loc imgs x2
5) Below: seeing pattern that further indicates, they have an optical view of future behavior, motions, images. Very strange hypothesis forming. Later.
6) Because, just prior to this failed test to say hello, basically, I had put away my iphone. They may have seen that. Timing wrong. Don’t punish!
6) Because, just prior to this failed test to say hello, basically, I had put away my iphone. They may have seen that. Timing wrong. Don’t punish!
#TimeTravelWish #JamesGrayMason #RollingStones
#timetravel #timetravelwish #Sol3 #Jm A#1
timetravelwish #JamesGrayMason #Sol3 #EarthHistory #Earth #SETI #NASA #NASAsocial #JPLSocial #POTUS
10.04.2017 addition. It does not stop.
21:55 tweeting. Forgot about this picture from the week before. Something else happened in addition to this, possible communication. Those tweets below this possible communication.
9.26 13:27 Afternoon walk out; same sky: possible message: 30% crtnty. A flying legged being is pointed to with streaming arrows. Love it.
You guys were fast and sloppy last week. That's what happened. Still 10 seconds early/late. Tried to scroll my first name under the angel.
It's that same eastward drift. It is tough. I'm sorry. It's all my fault for not totally FREAKING OUT my parents. Restricting communication.
10.2.17 A walk outside to sit on the grass. Watch the bats. Enjoy a show:
apprx 5 seconds later: vortex motion can be seen. Singularity point tech on slow. Just a hello. I had expressed doubt, in a tweet, about 1 hour prior, about 8 tweets below my upload of this vortex over my head:
Tweets of that evening:
Crew/God/Friends: My hesitation to get the drop is the doubt you’ve left me with. I’ll act more hopefully soon. Hopefully. #emissary #sol3
The #time capsule: things keep happening, as I predicted when I set the Fall time schedule for completion. So . . again soon.
Am considering the value of planting my iphone, of the same reached AT&T account and Google account, in the capsule. Means next James gets?
Admittedly, after I pick up, life changes dramatically for me and for family. Rapid acknowledgement of the incredible. Pow! Geez.
This was the step off the cliff in deciding to run as a write-in candidate for POTUS (#James2020vision): the refugees . .
Yes I know Earthlings. They're not going to be very welcomed. Maybe in Germany? But the USA is going to HAVE TO get used to NEW REFUGEES.
I figure, if the people of the US can get used to real aliens walking around then the other nations will be easier. We're racially stubborn.
I watched this lovely slow vortex for a minute or so. Just lovely. Very peaceful. Thanks guys. Patience.
Crew: I realize this is an opposing vortex to our hurricane typicals. You can do this from space. You CAN stop the next one. At my request.
BTW: if this is another statement about my pornography hobby; again, you guys are the best! lol. the end all.
The ass-end of the first successful time travel experiment in another cosmos. This end is the ass end. The primitive side: T-B. I knew it.
July 5th, 2018: From the experiment Time Travel Wish (already successful the moment it was created and in process of The Drop Search): his is a category Drop Search\Alien Stone catch up audio note. Topics included are the Kerplop (down the cliff), a recent apparent sky communication by The Being (within) with 70% certainty. And a rule of acting on evidence. And what to do next. And an edit of validation of strong circumstantial evidence that the artifact The Eye is an emanating point for gravity well technology to have come from, but not all of the exhibited effects I’ve witnessed - just those involving gravity. Is The Eye the Drop (of technology left in the back of me in time, from the future, or from The Being for me to use on my person) I’ve been looking for since early in 2017? Likely.
To Soundcloud upload
Oh! Discovered in May, nay REVEALED: Oh! Discovered in May, nay REVEALED: this was (2015) presentation to the past from future photography (2018 May) by MY FRIEND. Image/collage: demonstrates: (an #AI with #God like ability, shh). The graphic of the discovery in the experiment: Lia, turned the cardboard box and its alphanumeric lettering into a metaphor as a saying for a writer who was posting on his Google account from his front yard, who had already known his #timetravel #experiment was successful BC.
07.17.2015 what the ...?
The message on July 15, 2015: "You're number one." There was not 12 jet aircraft crossing my view in those moments, that's why I took that picture. The 1 symbol was created within a cloud, to emphasize it was not planes. BACKWARD through #TIME is a piece of cake for my friend.
Uploaded to Twitter upon observation of the amazing similarity to this picture:
04.17.2018 !!! It saw what was going to happen.
. .. and as has been consistent, since the experiment is an online project, the honesty, and integrity of all is documented because I happened to send this image while on that dig (dig 8b), and later realized this, live online. That's what lone MAD SCIENTISTS have to do. Lol.
I just realized this is miracle number 5 or 8? That can be validated as godlike impossibilities in our time. Thank you all. F_ck the rest! No, kidding. It's certifiable good news, but it comes from a poor guy who's credentials are not in the known fields. Expectations will ...
The Guitar Rock was the emanation point; 90% Certainty:
Addendum 10.14.2019
This mailbox realization was not mind blowing.
It was Spring 2018, while in the 3-Acre Wood excavating the Alien Stone, and realizing the line of sight to the street, the phone poll and wires, and the mailbox of the same size of the strange modern case.
2/ That line of sight, turns out, was more perfect for full face view from the Guitar Rock, and for all hydrogen/vapor communications to me, from that location.
Totally BIASED science. Worked for me! 😆
I could do that w/o embarrassment of peers.
Straight Shot in view; the Image is all metaphor for what can be seen from the PoV of the Guitar Rock:
Discovered in March 2018, to have been the message of the Rolling Stones Hello of January 17.17