the Kill Hitler Test
Of course the image is ALL ABOUT TIME TRAVEL, there's a bright light shining on pictures that indicate, that's a day trip to see or with Adolf Hitler, the guy in the top image, pretending to drive a limousine with an unusually large steering wheel and low windshield.
At #TimeTravelWish, the experiment successful before created: The Kill #Hitler Test was finished in early 2018. Presented left of the "telephone poll," are 5 photos that show me when, where, and how using #TimeTravel. I chose to protect our timeline. He remains alive in history.
Google post: 12.10.2018
At #TimeTravelWish, the experiment successful before created: The Kill #Hitler Test was finished in early 2018. Presented left of the "telephone poll," are 5 photos that show me when, where, and how using #TimeTravel. I chose to protect our timeline. He remains alive in history.
3) Spring of 1939 is of course “behind us,” when we have not affected the planet’s geologic future w/our choices that affect environment (as would be duplicated from #timelineA) and so us dramatically, differ now that we’ve contaminated the very winds of change with our carbon.
2) #Hitler Test: I was given the #time of Spring of 39. The photographer is indicated to be Ava Braun, and the images taken in another #timeline, of the exact route of his arrival and departure, and that activity in #spacetime is expected to be duplicated *here. Visible on weblog.⏱️
Antisemitism rises and every metaphor and illustration in the #Google placed Time Traveled image has two or more meanings and or purposes (efficiency).
2016 discovery of 1 purpose: show me HOW, WHERE, WHEN, WHAT with to kill #AdolfHitler, and make me answer if I would.
It is the purpose of what can be thought of as the reflection of a ceiling hung fluorescence lamp, but that's where to lay at a sniper's nest, above that bunker entrance (shape) in what may be shrubbery, for the moments needed to shoot Hitler in the rear of his evil head.
Twitter account Hashtag SEARCH of timeline, #AdolfHitler ; 31, 2016 - present.
Antisemitism rises and every metaphor and illustration in the #Google placed Time Traveled image has two or more meanings and or purposes (efficiency).
2016 discovery of 1 purpose: show me HOW, WHERE, WHEN, WHAT with to kill #AdolfHitler, and make me answer if I would.
It is the purpose of what can be thought of as the reflection of a ceiling hung fluorescence lamp, but that's where to lay at a sniper's nest, above that bunker entrance (shape) in what may be shrubbery, for the moments needed to shoot Hitler in the rear of his evil head.
Twitter account Hashtag SEARCH of timeline, #AdolfHitler ; 31, 2016 - present.
*The Ava Braun connection, as is apparent with 65% certainty of evidence:
12.18.18 addendum:
Addendum 7.15.2021
NEW interpretation;
He’s having a selfie done with his favorite limousine and at the wheel and all his attention, and that of all guards around him at the complex will be on this unique event of a staged scene for the photograph. A moment in time to exploit and the exact space to do it.
The reflection of what should be a fluorescent light ceiling hung fixture was there to catch my eye and it ends in the image at the top of a hill that appears to be directly behind and above the bunker entrance into that hillside, a great spot to sniper shoot Adolf Hitler.
Looks like 80-150-meters to get him in the back of the skull?
This sub-hypothesis kind of cinched it for me, that this is indeed a Kill Hiter Time Traveler Test.
Of which I am certain I chose wisely.
A credo?
Protect a future consistent with the present in my life and those alive with me today. Basically.
Time Travel Wish @TimeTravelWish Jan 29
Crew/Your Most High: Are you telling me you'll let me move in this timeline? You have got to be kidding me? I can be a Doctor Who? Move in a single timeline? Poof around? Like you are showing me you do? Me?
Comment begins thread:
OK. I guess I can do that. Geez. Can Tuvok come? OMG, I can GET HIM?
I have to really think about that choice.
A lot of changes have occured.
That's heavy sh_t you're talking about. If that's the plan I need a firm confirmation; from Its Most High, I need to see that.
That means my own family may not come to the USA. You know that. Sh_t.
They will if it's done at the right time. That's selfish.
You're putting me the classic conundrum of a paradox. There's a timey name for this. I'll invent a better name. But conflict of ethic is a long considered concept for me. I can handle it.
I don't want to reason biased.
Typing in the rough: This is almost a hands-down decision for me. A history without him, without Stalin?
How on Earth am I going accomplish this without technology with me? Got to have a craft. I will wish for one the whole time. It will suck. Mid 20th is primitive!
Thing is, Time Travel Wish has taught me that life existing in any timeline is that life here, as it would be and can be. As valuable as it is existing in any cosmos. This enlightenment does give me ethical allowance, that perhaps I should not have? Deep stuff. "Fascinating Jim."
Insert: new Memory is Life statement regarding “wiping out trillions of memories of others. . “
Concluded: I am biased as can be. Can't escape. You're asking the son of a woman who carries the mitochondria of a daughter of Abraham to off the evil of the 20th century. The evil that affects me and many around me, and Barbara and John and his wife, my friends in DC. Jews all.
There was an officer beside him who used a cane . .. . I've seen it in the newsreels. Did he use it on his right side?
Was he a ginger? Ooh wee
I would consider that Timeline C.
That would change how I feel about my success while there. As if it is disposable. Like here, but without my friends and family to weigh down my decisions. The emotional burdens. Nobody wants to be thought of as burdensome. But that is truth.
A reason why I need to see I am effecting matter/s here in this same timeline. To have full human motivation with all emotion intact; to make those decisions with the burden of a future I know of at stake. That's a tough one to defeat if I'm of the knowledge I am in TC. Right?
Time Travel Wish @TimeTravelWish Jan 30
You know something Crew and Your Most High? Before historical changes, I've got tons of great timey pranks up my sleeve. I want to test singular timeline travel by doing that: Nails in a-hole's chairs. Messages on walls, under pillows. Robin Hooding. Upskirting hot teachers!
[Train wreck, the next day > Charleston, weeks?
Adolf goes to bed and he finds a threatening letter under his pillow. It's anonymous and has fresh blood on it. He throws it in the fireplace. He returns to bed and there's another one. It reads at the top: DON'T THROW OUT THIS ONE MORON! Go back to wallpapering. Don't be stupid.
I have begun to toss about the concept of destroying trillions of memories of others. I have a new value of memories, as if they are life itself. Once they are made something happens in the universe - I feel this is so. As if they are part of its fabric. I am conflicted.
11:42RT. I am entertaining strongly that you are (Teams/TA/TB) showing me at great spacetime location to get him, in these 5 images. Including that television broadcast, that may occur when there's a 12 dig phone in Berlin, in operation (short time). It's spelled out.
Continued in comment to first thread; observation of singular timeline travel having full connection the Team’s desires for THEIR timeline (a possibility): I should ask today’s existing Jews if they would want to to do this. I think it best that I find a way to let them choose; perhaps democratically?
Sub; before post:
I have begun to toss about the concept of destroying trillions of memories of others. I have a new value of memories, as if they are life itself. Once they are made something happens in the universe - I feel this is so. As if they are part of its fabric. I am conflicted.
Memory is LIFE cont: Now the weight is compared between that of trillions of new memories joyful and sorrow of this timeline, to that of those many real emotions and pain and the trillions of memories of sorrow and loss and longing on a veritable balancing scale of time and so history control. All down to a choice of histories that can be; and I must be the hand that moves by muscle to carry out the action in purpose. My bias precedes all of these thoughts of conflict. I want it known of my awareness of these trillions of consequences.
This new superhero may truly be the loneliest and most conflicted hero of all time on Earth?
Nobody is going to believe me, when I get back to real time, that there were men like him; like Stalin, Pol Pot . . where does it stop? What about new ones? Is it not best to use what we have done to affect a new future? That’s what I was definitive would be the plan. Not stirring up trillions of new complexities.
This Team needs to hire a new team to watch them making their decisions, all over again. Find a criticism of yourselves that is from without your bias.
That is my choice, of course, without foreknowledge and without knowledge of what happened over there. I find it likely that a new nationalistic future took-over, over there, and that’s what must be stopped, worldwide. Again, contact must be made and I need to be shown that side. True passion for my mission must exist. Guidance now.
It is spelled out. I can follow this trail. Even better when there. I see that when he leaves, he has only a driver in the car. The exit after the stay, along the road, seems the plan. Images:
#Nazis #Jews #History #TimeTravel-Wish #Sol3 #Hitler must die?
OK, I just had a huge Hogan's Heros moment. Theme song by Amazon - quick find. I can tap that line. I can intercept that compound's comms. I can have a road trap ready to flip his favorite limo like a pancake. Bridges to cross! Ha ha hahhh!
22:00ENC/22:38RT: It is reported, he visited only 2x prior to 45. Close to her home community - will use her. She can't resist The James. I'll cheat with her, on him! 😎
I'll set traps & redundancies all along his future.
Then come home to real time and eat a pot pie!
~~~~~~~~~~ 2.5 cont
Cont: Scenario: I’m living in one of those 2 towns pictured that are along the route. She’s going to meet him there, it’s about 1939-41. She wants me to visit and meet him. I have trepidation about that, but she’s an old friend (reasonable) and I go along. But I’ve already set-up his route back for certain death. I can change a flat tire to set the primary, on the way up. Millions of way to change history if you’ve got the time.

So, Crew and Your Most High; I've hit a wall that divides what is both ethical and moral from what can be a moral choice regardless of an ethic. Stepping through would be following a bias that anyone should have to fit a standard of personal morality. Would I kill him if . . ?
That scenario: fitting; I don't have to be an old friend, we're both strawberry blondes and I am the age of an uncle at that time. Perfect. Her family had some separations. The man who has the cane! <<. I'm there already/wasill?
Geez, must make a Kill Adolf page, now; Eva is taking pictures of the route she knows his motorcade will take back - eastern side. Townspeople know she's a camera buff. Would be her typical cover to snap the whole area. Time's heroine! After all.
00:26 RT
Eva's pictures cont: That bunker he's showing her that he drives out of, can be a double metaphor, as time goes back on the left side of The Image; a coffin he backs into when she and I (and The Team) are finished with this mission. Ta da! You guys are amazing! The writer got it.
Time Travel Wish @TimeTravelWish
9:11 AM - 6 Feb 2018
Your Most High,
I sense this to be a test.
My instinct is to answer the Team in the negative.
My bias for this timeline is as a weighty stone beneath my cerebellum.
I would have to be shown what can be. If my experience tells me it's worth it, I can reconsider in new light.
Time Travel Wish @TimeTravelWish 7s7 seconds ago
Time Travel Wish Retweeted Time Travel Wish
This stands until new information comes to light. Or I can be shown a definitively better timeline for all?
A visit from the ghost of futures past?
#sol3 #timetravelwish #JamesGrayMason #JamesMason
Yesterday tweet re Hitler Test;
I'm watching Nazi's publicly shitting in the US and Europe. I think the other meaning of the Kill Hitler Test in the Time Traveled Image is this current state. Antisemitism and racists rise to a dangerous degree and can be stopped, and the KHT is a real option. #timetravel w i s h
So, " ...Antisemitism and racists rise to a dangerous degree ... "
This 'Day Trip With Adolf Hitler' is a rise into the mountains on a (now well known) central Germany highway, to what the American's named Eagle's Nest, a seldom used but readied Hitler retreat.
A lamp, a television, and a telephone. Those three objects in the scene of one wall each need (external) energy to work, and light is needed to illuminate the images (or we might not think much of them), but the TV and the Telephone are used for communication, and one can stretch to say the lamp is also for communicating to the viewer since sight impression is sought to be received.
The Time Traveled Image at Google corporation's Blogspot weblog service is an image whose subject and purpose is time travel communication, as I have been stating for 9 years.
However, there is a distant light I did not consider during the whiteboarding of the subject and it is not on the wall, or rather it is, but only sent there by external energy elsewhere, as the telephone and television get their main source of energy. However, the apparently ceiling-hung fixture is not really in the scene, if a package of photons is not a real thing, but it is, it is definitely. It can convey massive communications. The image teaches that and the View West demonstration (below) is a fine example of what compaction using symbols and metaphors, sayings, art and light can achieve. Now, sent through time they very efficiently communicate. I was right, the internet's existence meant a great landing place could be made. I was first in thought, again.
Ponder, this entire image is 99.9 kilobytes of pixel representations of real energy originating somewhere in some other timeline, and it is indicated that the timeline is one that had been our future, now a branch (a 'stub') left behind to have their destiny. Much like what I called Universe B-A, a cosmic test case floating off to enter time's ocean.
You Spooks, who got on board early and have already consumed a lot, can crunch this.
1. The Hitler picture on top of the 5 of his Day Trip to Eagle's Nest, is a reflection that appears similar to that of a fluorescence light fixture. Below, a demonstration jpg from years ago when the photos were investigated.
2. Whiteboard; Where Is The Power.
3. The View West, realized in 2019, last updated in early 2024.
See bookmarks at left.
The reflective light (reaching further);
I determined its purpose is to be a pointer to a place to snipe Hitler in the back of his head as he was posing for this very photograph that is in apparent shrubbery that is above a tunnel entrance that is likely the same one at the compound in central Germany, I researched as the likely heading location based on the roadway intersections visible in the other images.
I accepted a few years ago that there are at least two communications meant by each 'Object of evidence' within the confines of the experiment, including in the Monuments at this location. Given that, there has not been a second reason yet determined for the appearance of this strongly reflective white (UV spectrum) light - another tight package of photons carrying vast meaning. Carry on guys.
James, HME
Enough work for one day.