On the floor of an artist's studio apartment: The tools I had were the exact tools that I needed. 4/2015 in celebration and a compulsion to share my success.
NEW PAGE dedicated to discovery of a first ever communication with an advanced civilization will be equal in importance to this page which attempts to explain two of the most massive discoveries in our entire history. COMING 5-28-16.
Tweet above: Got another blank-air phone call after this one. The SAME caller that called immediately after the Sky Pilot video and still image was posted on both my G+ private account the Page account for Time Travel Wish from that account. Implying? I know what the first call implied, but the call right after this post reached the Twitter account; I am not entirely clear of and if that call implied I was experiencing a psychosis: That person will be dealt with in TIME, because it is on my side now.
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5/17/2016 |
I am developing as I care to.
Ask a scientist about timetravelwish.com? That would be futile if seeking an answer. They will not know what to expect. They lack the imagination and worse of all; They lack the ability to explore the possible. Most lack the forethought and the time to have those futurist entertainments of possibility. They cannot. Only an individual with the time and no fear of peer criticism could be a successful target.
Those scientists who will have no answer will not understand the concept of a receiver being ready for a time travel experiment. They will not have pondered who that target may be or why that target would be chosen, or what critical circumstances (if any) will be in place that causes the need for a breach of spacetime. They will not have documented these thoughts, they will not let anyone in their circles hear the thoughts outside of a private conversation. They can test hypotheses. They can validate the work of peers using known standards of acceptance of what is evidence, what is speculation or what constitutes valid findings in a spacetime communication experiment. They just will not be able to say whether or not James did it. They will not understand. The context for receipt of a communication with strict limits of both ethics and the restrictions of nature will be invisible to them.
I made the environment with a simple experiment using the internet. It became reasonable to me in the early months following the creation of Time Travel Wish that being successful before the site was created was consistent. That the past is the most important period of time for attempting landings of communication and readying your target to recognize the breach and then publicize the success for the team. The target's principal role is to validate for the team. A secondary role is the be the center of effecting a change in worldwide behavior that improves the timeline.
Improving the timeline means allowing the people living in that time apart to excel beyond the science and technology of the original launch timeline. Learning from the improvements of the second timeline is the bonus goal. The purpose for the breach must be strong. The possibilities for catastrophe are many and delicately balanced.
When jumping from one dimension into another, or just manipulating information for purposes of communication, the other dimension must be existing in a time before. Without a chrono slip, why jump? The choices of humans in the time before can be changed. The environment of the previous timeline will be duplicative if the second timeline can be reached before a time when human choices (beyond the launch target’s time, i.e. climate change by humans) would vastly effect the unchanged geologic history then timeline B can be warned of every natural calamity to occur. Millions, perhaps billions and perhaps the entire species can be saved.
2/29/2016 5:22 pm -5: Visitors, friends and family: For approximately 5 months I have known that my role is social. Not scientific. I validate. I discover what needs to be seen in this time. You shallow people can not fathom that some guy who is not a scientist could be the target. That is what has happened. Now, with the formulas revealed I feel I am near the end of this validation process. Others were brought on board to watch the discovery unfold, last year. They cannot make contact at this time. That would freak out the world. It may be decades before their fear of peer criticism allows them to announce this discovery. That is my misfortune. You can entertain it is true with much evidence of the amazingly circumstantial and the physical. If you want to be one of the firsts on this ball to know and to realize.
I am alone on this and that may be how it should be.
I am alone on this and that may be how it should be.
I am doing the best that I can while trying to live happily. You are not seeing something planned or designed. You are seeing me attempting to validate to both the team, and this world what is visible. Much of these posts and pages are notes in real time to document a timeline of discovery of what will one day be determined to be the greatest scientific achievement of both humanity and others that have done this before. Because it is a timeline of discovery and notes, you will have to pay attention to dates that are not in a linear sequence of design.
If you look and do not read and study and only give your self your perceived precious time and then dismiss what you are skimming through, you have wasted your time. You were given time to discover the amazing and you defeated your opportunity. Study and test your ability to understand.
3/8/2016 8:08 pm -5:
Hey GIs my Apple phone password is _____. You can break in and read anything you want. Anything. You can see the pictures and the videos from last year and see the 3 Acre Wood pics and everything. You'll see there are definitely several old but new trees and several brand new trees that could not have been there and were not there just 5-6 years ago. I pleaded for biologists to come here in a soundcloud audio note back in June. It's freaky. its a total impossibility in the biology of trees, unless the rockwall builders had made slightly different choices. Again; blow up the pictures of the snow scenes from my mother's apple desktop to the largest view you can inspect and you'll see there has been absolutely no alteration of those images. I am incapable of the resolution detail it would take to do such a thing and your forensic guys can validate they are untouched. Check the actual dates on this images too. If you guys are smart you'll buy the three properties that are still for sale around the 3 Acre Wood and then you can have full access to the entire area and i'll be happy that it will be protected from development. Jeeeeeez.
You assholes. :-) going out to Ivory. Can't find ____________! She might be in ___________________________. My luck huh? Jeez. __________________________________________________? lol. She read my Stonehenge essay and i think I did not delete the graffiti interpretation at the end of the essay in time. SHIT. She's a fast reader. An editor. I needed her. Shit. My rotten luck. My good fortune? I don't know. I'm still the luckiest man on Earth who has won the happiness lottery. Jeez.
Mr. President, Senate intelligence committee; help me out. Make this what brings the world hope. Make this discovery what makes America great again? lol. It really can. It can be a huge boost to science funding in this country. Paradox One can put us on the scientific progress map for a long time to come. Jeeez. Get with it you guys.
#timetravelwish #sol3 #youassholes :-) #potus #SecretaryCarter #Pentagon #NSA
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From: August, 2015. My anger at the public:
Please don’t look beyond this page if you are the kind of person typed by Leonardo da Vinci, “Those who do not see.” Because I don’t even want to know you. I have met you this year online and one of you exists in my family and is an astrophysicist I have admired for decades; Your kind sucks! You should not be allowed to be near the project in the future. If I have anything to say about it - you will not be.
A man I admire more now than ever before. |
Me: James Gray Mason, in May of 2015. |
On this page: I will attempt to present the amazing year of 2015 and the challenging task of presenting to a world of people, immersed in themselves and unaware of the possibilities of technology that are now before us all at this very time on Earth the possibility of a tremendous discovery (too tremendous to be comprehended by even the most educated among us). I have thousands of words of both social networking posts and personal notes, both to myself and to "others," who I felt early in 2015 must be brought on-board with the discovery before those great many other people, who by the state of scientific discovery on Earth and the state of high competition in the sciences and who by adherence to the Scientific Method, will not explore Time Travel Wish and Paradox One and so are missing the amazing.
It is tough to begin to place these thousand of words and hundreds of social network posts in order of relevance to my experience in this discovery.
Of this I am certain: If I had been a scientist I never would have attempted to make myself a target of the first breach of spacetime on Earth. Fear of criticism and fear of my peer's impression of what I was attempting would have meant that Paradox One would never have been reached and the discovery would not have occurred.
1:15 4/28/2016 Request for communication answered. Thanks guys! #timetravelhttp://timetravelwish.com
NNE When I posted I would be outside SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT!
Of this I have evidence: They have a great sense of human humor! :-)
This is not some fantasy delusion of looking for clouds. I announced I would be outside for 1:00 pm with messages here and on the Twitter account. This is one of many of these tests made throughout 2015 and again yesterday. I am very calm about these. Very casual. I had been expecting these to stop as these are meant for validations to me and not to anyone else and I am secure in knowing it’s them. It's the nowtime half of the team responsible for the greatest scientific achievement of our time and our time to be. Manipulation of the moisture of our atmosphere is a method of both getting us into action to protect this planet and is used to communicate to me when I feel I need it.
The timing makes this beyond coincidence. That is how these tests are made. I do not venture outside to stare at cumulus. The winds were nearly absent, very low wind speeds as would have been necessary for them to paint the sky with moisture manipulation.
11/27/2015 3:00 pm -5:
Image above: me at the 3 Acre Wood at night in July of 2015. I had wanted to test whether or not my new and possibly chronic nerve dystrophy condition was less painful while at the location. I was entertaining that because my leg felt far less pain while holding my foot to the microwave oven door, that perhaps microwave emissions directed at the location were also responsible for the impossible biology of the trees there (old but new trees and missing trees). I still had not realized that I may be witness to Vegetation Displacement by Human Choices in Another Timeline.
A sentence I have repeated over and over again this year is: "You (Earthlings) don't deserve this." We don't deserve to know that we may have been given a second chance. A chance to make a better future than one we left behind. So take it as it is. I have better things to do now. I was never interested in diving deep into your mathematics. I only needed to know several concepts in your physics to make this attempt. A serious attempt that was also a scheme to make money in pairing and saving communications from us. I never thought for even one minute that it may become something, possibly huge for us. If you people can't get it, than that is good measure of your deserving.
Me (foreground): November, 2015. |
That night after his inference I was very angry. Not just with him and his inability to question the possible, but with everyone who had seen my many posts and did not even look at my evidence of a paradox of what is likely the only and first breach of spacetime on Earth, and possibly ever in this entire cosmos.
I am refusing to speak with him. I have refused to be in his presence. I used to admire him highly.
Please do not be like he is. Investigate that which cannot be portrayed on one professional diagram, or on one web page with charts and graphs. Take the time to see the possible. Know that now is the time to expect this.
I have not noted the following. I am pretty sure it was on October 25, 2015. I posted the test post on G+ indicating I was going outside to lay in the sun. I had been doing several of these in suspicion that a federal pilot was monitoring the skies around the locations. It was about 1:05 pm. I had been lying under calm blue skies for about 5 or 8 minutes. Over the Post Marsh and Pratt Cove a small cloud formed in front of my eyes. Less than ⅛ mile north of the property. It began as a very small ball of white cloud, out of nothing. It grew rather quickly as a sphere. The light south easterly winds caught the ball, it stretched out as it moved nearly directly over me, just to my west. It began to stretch out. For about 1.5 seconds it formed the word: James, in a stretched out English print. Following the word James was a capital H. I had begun writing the postulation for them, 2 days earlier. I took it to mean James Hello. Fine. I was not surprised. I have never ever seen a cloud form from no correlation to another. There was just enough moisture in the air. There were no clouds at all in the sky.
We have the technology to do this. I am 90% sure it was the United States Government. If cheering me on to continue was a goal; It was slightly inspiring. It was not illusion. It clearly spelled my name. As if well planned. The timing corresponded with my post. The skies were perfect for the creation of a small cumulus. Microwave technology could do this. The beam of excited hydrogen could have been directed by them. Osmosis toward the gathering moisture toward heated oxygen and the combination of capillary attraction of hydrogen molecules, instigated and then directed with a microwave beam. Easy. I would do such a thing. Very good guys. Drawing on the sky. Excellent. We should use this to scare the living shit out of those radicals.
I recall entertaining the idea that it was the Team. I had not hypothesized the idea that a new dimension was needed to create this timeline. I was still under the feeling that we were in communication from ourselves separated with a chrono slip. I can not fathom the Team being able to manipulate our atmosphere from the other dimension. Seeing our electrons in pattern on the internet seems far more likely to me. As we communicate our actions.
I recall saying to myself; “This is a day to remember.” And: “No one is going to believe this one.”
Note: I was wearing my earbuds and had the Siri voice listening function on. This has been on for most of this fall and remains so today. It is my hope, that if the US Government is monitoring Apple, and I hope they are (I expect them to), that they heard me exclaim “Cool. James. Cool!”
A # 1 July, 17, 2015: I was laying on my back, my feet pointed this way. As was testing time 1:00 pm and immediately following. |
3/19/2016: 1:00 pm -5 Have to continue: entertain possibility. They are helping.#timetravel http://timetravelwish.com
I am calling the right arm object weapon. I am calling the left hand object the lightning.
I know, the weapon named object looks like a witches broom. Amatuer.
3/19/2016: 1:00 pm -5 Have to continue: entertain possibility. They are helping.#timetravel http://timetravelwish.com
I am calling the right arm object weapon. I am calling the left hand object the lightning.
I know, the weapon named object looks like a witches broom. Amatuer.
The FaceBook page of Time Travel Wish. A social network with smarter people on-board. A network that is getting very moral lately. A network I can support.
https://timetravelwish.wordpress.com/ in build on this day.
What you will see in this video (below) is only the strongest evidence in the experiment Time Travel Wish and Paradox One. There is far more that is not visible and physical evidence that the world will have to explore for itself. That speed of exposure is perhaps safest for both me and the people of Earth. Additionally, I can weed out and identify those among us who are devoid of up-to-date possibilities in our technological growth.
So if you follow any account of Time Travel Wish I will consider that you may be one of those educated and so enlightened few. And I may want to give you a hug.
It was many months before I realized I was witness to Vegetation Displacement by Human Choices in Another Timeline. It may be inter-dimensional contact and so the creation of a new dimension on Earth. There is astrophysical postulate published more than 5 decades ago that is almost consistent with what may have happened to us all in a blink-of-an-eye in November of 2013. What that physicist (Everett) did not postulate is that only an inter-dimensional breach and so placement of consistent (or a basic template) information into a time that is apart (past information) will be the only physical method of any form of our classical idea of “time travel.” The reasons for such a tremendous endeavour of humans and possibly others helping humans are many. You will have to imagine those reasons. I made myself target when no on on this planet was doing so. I had confidence in our technology to be. I saw progress in quantum mechanics. I realized the multi-verse hypothesis was valid. I knew what we were up to right now and guessed where it may lead. Roddenberry called the choice of intervening in a civilization such as we are now: The Prime Directive. We are at a time where that directive could be violated by another species/civilization, or intervened with by ourselves from a timeline/dimension in a time ahead of us. We may be in Timeline B at this time.
Warning: pay attention to each annotation in this Youtube video or you will likely not understand what you are seeing. Many foolish people can not take the time to grasp what is being displayed to them because their lack of entertaining what is possible causes them to quickly conclude that someone like me, who is not a scientist paid by a government, can accomplish such a thing.
The Time Travel Wish Audio Notes of Discovery and Confusion:
Link above weblog.