The Global Vapor Communication of Christmas Day 2020
w/ comparison images of validated past communications to me
Original screenshot
The tweets below of the time period.
The points of positive toward evidence, and against.
The screenshot of Christmas Day night:

The directional indicator shows that I captured
the screen while off to geographic North by a few
degrees West or right to this view with Antarctica South.
Aligned to point about to McMurdoh Station
would be about right.
This flipping of the imagery is very consistent to the theme of the Other Side in the
project as presented by LiA.
Against the hypothesis this was a communication for me, to show them, to provide consistent evidence of my discovery and of the plan for Earth.
…. The explanation of the skeptic
"What is pareidolia? It is the psychological phenomenon where we see recognizable shapes in clouds, rock formations, or otherwise unrelated objects or data."
This condition, common to humans, is the only explanation others may invent; however, the fact that I (emphasis Me (James) - owner of the original J symbol photograph test result of 2016) stopped on this symbol while scrolling the Earth Google program (playing with the graphic, spinning the Trackball of my mouse).
The Yellow rectangle is to demonstrate the square alignment.
The Sky Test result image fits to proportion.
The Sky Test result image fits to proportion.
This comparison only took a few minutes and
shows the difficult to refute intelligence used to
choose this symbol, on this day, at this place, in this position
shows the difficult to refute intelligence used to
choose this symbol, on this day, at this place, in this position
and etc... Below:
Points supporting:
I found it on Christmas day (appropriate with consistent hypotheses of monotheist beliefs being exploited) and I have not lately seen Google Earth expanded to see the globe, I did have browser history to show that, after discovery day. However, I deleted that 2-days ago to quash some porn surfing. Lol, whoops.
It definitely makes the shape, with a ninety degree crossing at the top of a vertical line, the alphanumeric hieroglyph J.
The twin circles consistent with other demonstrations, in the AS, in the Sky Test test result.
The flip, to show the Other Side, is consistent; on the Southern half of the planet, facing due South, instead of Due North like the 04.28.16 result.
I found it. I spun the trackball with my right forefinger, to play with the earth, to rock music, and when it stopped, it showed this view. I immediately took a screenshot. The screenshot shown does not center the Earth in the middle of the screen and does not point the pole Due south, off a couple of degrees, at the most.
The photograph, in full, from the 04.28.2016 Sky Test test fits perfectly (nearly) onto the whole earth view, reaching each corner, fitting inside, to MATCH the J symbol, when it is. This is a strong indication it was to match my image, taken that day to test my suspicion of Contact.
Anyone inspecting and being skeptical (I hope): please observe the geographic pole view is not plumb to the image; I was scrolling with a trackball mouse, playing with Earth, and made the screenshot excitedly w/o aligning it exactly. It would point near to McMurdoh Station if aligned.
Also to add; the Christmas day hemispheric wide display, meant for me to show you (all humanity), was framed by the vertical line toward New Zealand, to show the matching angle, as consistent with my test result from 04.28.16, that matches the later mineral trapped sign.
Important if describing; the purpose of that long stretch of vapor/front of cloud, is to align the image; and also to show the matching angle to my shot of 04.28.16, but to show the passing human, to catch-the-eye that can spot intelligent design in seemingly random nature.
There were breakthroughs in 2020 and this message to me and the Earth would not have occurred without those, and perhaps a decision was come to by those unknown. Tweets:
This 12.25.21 message was done for your guys, @NASA.
Because1 LiA was able to validate you are watching on 11.18.20.
#JUDGMENT on #Sol3, ooh wee ......
It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.
It is time travel.
The other beautiful example of the Flip to the Other Side, is that this shows the same ability against a bright blue background of Earth’s ocean from space, and it is to mimic the hieroglyph of the ability with a bright blue sky background on 04.28.2016. Consistent.
That very straight S to N cloud line west of My Symbol is at approx. the International Date Line.
At this time in Earth's history, that is the only place on Earth one can perform an act of defying the direction of time's river, and time travel. Although only by the experience of the calendar days.
The international date line, lies between my Symbol and New Zealand.
A time travel place.
2019; while destroying the Alien Stone, I see something amazingly familiar within the mineral of the rock:
It is time travel.
Do you understand yet?
It's 90-d to the J symbol w/circles at 45-d. Consistent evidence.
public; the vertical line, toward New Zealand, is not to match my imagery, used in the experiment by LiA, but to show intelligent design to those watching, who know of what is happening.
And to add, that's kind of freaky;
This power, exhibited and documented for 5-years, is similar to what is described as the When Moses parted the Red Sea, or when God did it for him, is more like it.
ON YOUR KNEES HUMANITY!!! (not really, nice guy, mostly)
Earlier in the month
o thread to bookmarked Christmas Day EarthWIDE manipulation:
Another thing about the Christmas day global creation that shows the Symbol is, it's consistently a flip - the other side theme, South to Antarctica, w/ circles at 45-d, the 90-d J.
Plus, a matching angle to my 4.28.16 test result photo, North.
It is consistent EVIDENCE.
It is more evidence OF THE POWER, BABY!
(Austin Powers mimic) lol.
See Sky Test page:
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1.21.2021 A Tweet. |
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