Chapter 1
The Cardinal Rules
“Spacetime is not a human perception. It is a natural force here on Earth and it varies greatly across the huge expanse of the cosmos. It will be a barrier that prevents us from both communication and travel across space. Like all barriers of nature that prevent us from moving forward it will be surpassed by humanity. I find it reasonable that at this time in our technological and scientific growth we may soon have evidence of such a breach of this force of nature.”
- James, 6/2015 Timeline B
- James, 6/2015 Timeline B
It is the protection of those who are existing in the time being reached for, that is the primary consideration in embracing the rules. In the case of a different timeline that coexists in a time apart, more than likely to be in the a time apart in the past of the experimenters timeline, protection of the future of those in the past timeline is the consideration.
An explanation in brief, revised from 2015:
How can one be successful as a time travel experimenter with no technology but the internet to use to find time travelers that can make the experiment successful before it was created?
In 2014 the answer was this meager website that humbly asked for help from a "time apart." Hope was necessary, and truth prevailed in November 2014. In 2016 this experiment documented physical evidence of a traveler, and an adventure began. I am James Gray Mason, and totally unqualified in quantum mechanics.
I consider the possibility of what these rules will and perhaps do look like:
1. No technological evidence can exist in the time that is reached which would compromise the timeline to exist after the time is reached.
2. No breach of spacetime should cost a significant loss of life. The value of the measure in loss of lives is relative to the progress of the breach in achieving the desired purpose of the breach.
3. If there is an indication that the purpose of the breach can not be achieved there must be a manner of aborting further breaching and or of eliminating any significant evidence of the breach having occurred.
4. The purpose of the breach must be agreed upon by a body of ethical standard. The value of the standard is relative as measured to the progress of the purpose of the breach. The body must be representative of the entire population of both timelines.
5. A method of observation of occurrences must be established and tested prior to any significant breach into the time or new timeline that is breached into or is created from the breach in order that all rules can be adhered to.
Rule number one:
In rule number one it is understood that a significant violation will cause vastly different information to be created as a result of knowledge and or of the use of the technology. In a speculative scenario in which knowledge of future technology is evident to persons or populations in a past time: a scientist reveals a mathematical formula that allows a vastly different timeline to proceed in which spacetime is then violated again perhaps far sooner in that time that had been the relative target of the breach. In this circumstance, the Cardinal rules may be violated in a far more significant manner when that error of the first violation is manifest by that scientist’s mistake.
Rule number one is why it is likely the evidence of the breach will be a paradox; A large relationship (or several) belonging to the breach which can not be fully explained. The first breach may be titled Paradox One. In this documentation of experience, it may be known as Time Travel Wish.
When the team selects a primary target, likely a person who has left lasting information of where he or she will be specifical, that target’s environment is a reasonable choice for preserving spacetime in a locality. If electrons in a pattern can be manipulated with new information, those patterns may reveal to the target that the likelihood of a breach of spacetime has occurred. Visual clues will be necessary for the target to recognize the possibility of the occurrence of the breach.
Again; Only possibilities (as clues) can be presented due to rule number one. Only the team will know that those clues are created by them and that their existence is their manipulation. Only speculations based on these paradoxical clues can provide hope that the answers that a scientifically derived and so acceptable answer can ever be found.
If time’s arrow dictates that arrow does exist, on this side of the arrow we may be attempting now to change the destiny of a people ahead of us on that flexible arrow. Those people may be ourselves now apart on a different arrow likely pointed in a new direction.
That primary target will be key in the careful release of the discovery into that time - or into a new timeline to exist with information inconsistent with the previous timeline that is monitoring newly existing inconsistent information. Confusing? Backup and read it again. I have only just begun so you may want to get used to this new type of language - that sentence was simple compared to what lies ahead in time.
Rule number 2:
In rule number two vastly different information is created when lives are lost that may be crucial in achieving the purpose of the initial breach into that time. It will be considered as a reasonable fear that no fully accurate accounting of which lives will be significant can ever be achieved.
In an example of the sensitivity of rule number two: a physicist who successfully discovered a significant breakthrough that was unlikely to be made by another in that relative time of the future, has in his past had an affair with a colleague. Perhaps that affair was 20 years in his past and when the team was being assembled and interviews were conducted, he thought that far distant romantic affair as inconsequential to retain in memory as anything of significance as being related to his work. But it was very significant. When he lost the love he had had in that affair his emotions were greatly affected. To emotionally compensate for his anguish and despair he had buried himself in his work, to such a degree he had been highly productive and focused on his work. He did not realize the value of that reaction to his great body of accomplishments, that he had completed in the many following years since that lost love and heartbreak. He had denied that his behavioral reaction in adaptation to his emotions was key in becoming who he became and in making the breakthroughs that he did after the loss. In his typical human denial, he compartmentalized his emotional pain and he never even mentioned the entire affair to the interviewers assembling the team. If his or her life after the breach occurs is then effected in the time where new manipulated information is made, the paradox is in great jeopardy. If the other person who had been his lost love, behaviors and actions in life is never accounted for and contingencies to protect her life’s actions are not included in the team’s plan of purpose, then that scientist has committed a serious violation of rule number two. The purpose for desired changes in human choices and responses from the breach is severely compromised or lost completely.
I will interrupt the linear discussion of rules three through five to relay my understanding of why breaching in a different time, that is past of the present is crucial as a practical matter of having attempted to change human behaviors and reactions as related to a breach of spacetime.
Why jump
without ability to
without ability to
affect changes?

I was recently watching a 1990’s science fiction fantasy television show called Sliders. The science fiction theme of this show was interdimensional travel. Or travel to a universe of similar information that existed on a different, but reachable by technology plane of existence. The next day I made a light-hearted social network post about what I felt what a significant point never explained by the show's writers.
September, 19, 2015
A note from my mind from yesterday; While watching this 90's show about inter-dimensional travel: It's very funny when the older professor guy gets mad at the young genius kid! lol. Always a chuckle!
In the first episode that I watched last night: The professor guy, claims the validated math dictates that time remains the exact same in each dimension. So, their clocks are equal in all other dimensions. They could “jump,” from 3 o’clock in the afternoon on a Wednesday into another dimensional universe where it was assuredly also 3 o’clock in the afternoon on a Wednesday. This seems fucked up. Why, I say to myself, to even want to travel inter-dimensional if you cannot use a different time? In practice to even want to reach this level of scientific breakthrough, would we humans want to do this if we cannot use our other and different information from the (at the least) geological history of the other Earth? Like being able to warn ourselves of natural disasters in our future time? Or to the extreme: warn an earlier occurring time of a meteor strike that may extinguish all humanity?
This strikes me as very relative because historically our natural proclivity in scientific breakthroughs is to have great incentive for our breakthroughs. Right? Why do such a significant thing if we cannot have a great incentive? Why see our other selves acting differently and seemingly unpredictably with different information? In each jump, the characters discover soon after arriving that it was past events of the actions of humans that created the difference they are witnessing. There is nothing they can do with that information to better their own universe or Earth if that world is existing after those past events. What are they gaining beside entertainment value for the viewers of this show? Ironically this seemingly significant "jumping," from one universe in the same chronological time as the other universe is rendered insignificant by this inability to effect change. Sure, seeing communist Earth was entertaining. But why? It is just not practical to us. We gain very little useful information in doing this if we can return to our exact same Earth and be able to come back with information that can bring us all something great, like survival of our species. Is this a writer's long-term thinking and planning error in this general plot? Consider. Not consistent with our behavior in ALL scientific breakthroughs to do something so unpractical.
So, in conjecture; Why? Not very morally consistent to do such a magnificent thing for no practical purpose. Not practical. So, if a team of the future wants to expend big science dollars doing a thing, like breaking through to another dimension, or creating a new universe; Why? Why proceed? Except to be a smart ass kid who shows up the the other physicists? Sure it is very entertaining, but that seems to be all it is.
Just a thought? Just a useless pondering? Maybe not. Maybe useful conjecture.
James out!
Rule number 3:
“If there is an indication that the purpose of the breach can not be achieved there must be a manner of aborting further breaching and or of eliminating any significant evidence of the breach having occurred.”
In this rule, a method to cease and desist must be devised and considered by the team to be actionable prior to the mission that seeks to effect a change: Paradox One. This method and this technological tool (as integral as all are), it to the mission a means to protect rules 1 & 2. It is the brakes that no scientist or designer or engineer or all, who will be effecting change (in velocity for example) has that allows him or her to not cause harm to him or herself or primarily to others.
Harry discovers the brakes
Harry the Mesopotamian has realized he can roll a cargo or a person on top of his new invention that he calls something like "The Log Between the Wheels Connecting them Together." We later called them axles. But soon after he has put the invention together he worries about crashing and dying if he starts going down a slope toward a small hill of boulders at the bottom of a hill near his home. Because of his reasonable fear he never really finds a use for the Log Between the Wheels Connecting Them Together. To Harry's additional applause he later greatly abbreviated the name of his new fangled invention. Until one day he is pushing the LBWCTT around in his flat backyard and a loose broken branch gets caught between the LBWCTT and the ground underneath the (invention) and he quickly realized to his surprise that the accident is causing the (thing) to slow down to the point of stopping. Harry then invented the brakes. With brakes he began to realize he could really go places, he could go down hills and not worry about dying. Unfortunately for Harry and the over 3,000 family descendants that followed him there was not a decent method of patent or of copyright protection and they all lived either pushing a cart or driving a taxi as their family profession. His LBWCTT has advanced ever rapidly since that day and continues even today.
Just aborting the process of the breach or the communication back into that time,or new timeline, won’t be enough. Because rule number one may be in close danger of being violated - or in conjunction with rule number two. Many lives may be affected - and perhaps those lives lost or damaged was/will be an accepted change in human behavior as part of the initial plan of purpose (more on this morbid speculation later). But if there is indication the project is not going to work, all evidence and all actions must stop, be eliminated, or the central target, or person being reached will have to somehow be discredited or perhaps even killed by a methodology already planned for by the team. A fatal contingency of control in the experiment - the mission. In effect nullifying the procedure of the breach. Back to the drawing board for the entire team. Perhaps billions in monetary investment in the project is lost.
Rule number 4:
“The purpose of the breach must be agreed upon by a body of ethical standard. That body must be representative of the entire population of both timelines.”
Within rule number 4 we have an important role of the foundational group of the team; The integral Team of Ethics and Behavior (TEB) and they are dependent on the technology being used having already been well established for the practical purpose of the breach. This group are the police of the mission. They will have the power to enact rule 3 - aborting the mission (stepping on the brakes). The TEB are the principles who monitor rule 5 - the visibility of progress, the initial breakthrough that allows the breach.
How to prevent the necessity of aborting the mission is a predetermined plan that will be primarily the responsibility of this strong component of the TEB. Many on this team are expert in those fields which deal with the study of the human condition on the planet or entire society and subsets of our society. This team has embraced and likely pushed for the necessity of the practical purpose of the breach. They have in effect invented the breach. They have intimate and emotional investment in the goal; The change that is a significant difference that will benefit the past and present of one time, or the present and future of another simultaneously. The principal manager and leader of the entire team will have guided their studies and plans closely. I will discuss who this person may be later. The success of the practical purpose of the breach, the mission, is their primary focus. Rules 1 & 2 are a dominant concern. Creativity is a primary shared skill among this component of the team as unforeseen and very complex circumstance can arise in the environment of the target and creative solutions, that may likely have to be invented on-the-fly can be expected to be necessary.
Rule number 5, an immense discovery:
Rule number five is a discovery that should come about prior to the team’s conception. It is a major breakthrough. The ability to see the past time. Five is the spark that fires the mission that will be the first effective breach through spacetime that seeks to accomplish changes in human choices. Rule number five becomes available as a tool toward the eventual conception of the practical purpose for the first breach of significance. “Significance,” in this context is events and behavior created by humans as a visible affect of the breach that indicates progress toward the goal - or the purpose in practicality of the team’s mission. It becomes the manner of team’s method of ensuring rules one through four can be active. It is the discovery of the visible possibility of a “boat,” that allows all possibilities for exploration and travel when breaching spacetime. But seeing the other (or past) information is useless unless an historian who has (or will) do this wants some grand award given by The Historical Society.
It is a first breach that will by proxy create inconsistent information - that inconsistency is the revealing evidence for the team that they are successful. That inconsistency may not not be able to exist in a universe composed of information - that is dependant on consistent and so related information. Thus, a new universe, that exists on a differing timeline may be created. Too much conjecture? Too wild? Too unlikely?
I feel this is now worthy of consideration. I feel we must entertain now what may be possible. It is the quagmire of a spacetime breach - we must entertain the possible without the physical (hard and scientifically acceptable) evidence. Rule number one, the obfuscation or elimination of hard evidence, dictates that we must do this if the team is to be successful and if we are to gain an advancement from their efforts. Herein lies the paradox that must be accepted as a visible relationship that may not be more than a paradox until we are ready. The team is then able to proceed toward their goal of a practical purpose being served from their immense effort. An effort that is the culmination of all science known to relative date and that involves possibly thousands of individuals of fields of study known and fields of study created in our relative future, of this timeline or the old informational time.
That breakthrough of the creation of what will be rule number 5, will not be complete until new information can be sent there and furthermore the old information can be manipulated to become new. Its discovery becomes a drive to assemble the team. The beginning of building the boat.
Now for some fiction to digest the speculation:
At first the scientists or perhaps the quantum physicist engineer, who makes this breakthrough may be so involved in his experiment he or she has not yet considered the many ramifications of the discovery. But the evening of the day after the breakthrough became realized he is in conference with a colleague over a several cold beers he has a tremendous epiphany brought about by the freedom from fear of peer criticism, because he was with a trusted friend and they were ruminating out-loud about possibilities. The year is 2064 and the fiction must be portrayed in the past tense to be told because language has not been defined to include a word or words for will/has/is:
“Gee I had not really thought about just what to do with this. But wow! We can now look at the information from our past as it was occurring! Holy shit we can make new information in that past by manipulating electrons within that information the we can see had been created! Wow, imagine what we may be able to do! We may actually be able to change our current experience of our history. Change things because now we can manipulate the information as we are looking at it! Get us out of this horrific history! We can save our asses from the mighty Golath Empire that invaded our system ten years ago and brought about this havoc we now live in! We can stop the Golaths! Or perhaps; We can stop world war three from having occurred. Maybe if we do something fantastic we can warn ourselves of that damn giant meteor that we were unable to detect, because we never got the science funding we had asked for. Yes!” Hands rubbing together in fantastical ruminating genius thought of the possibilities. They barely slept peacefully for several days after that joyful meeting.
Supposing it is necessary to create a new universe in order to breach spacetime and see and then manipulate that information? That information being created in the breach will not be in the past time, or timeline of the discovery, but an entirely new universe created in the moment his or her information that was or will be the breach becomes inconsistent information. Information incompatible with the natural force of spacetime. He or she will be reaching into the new universe, one that is in divergence from the old and consistent, or compatible, information. The scientists have determined that they have not reached into their old timeline, but they actually created another. But they do not lose the ability to watch that new, but old informational timeline - that was the glory of the discovery. That glorious and perhaps drunken epiphany again:
“We may be able to create another universe of our similar information that will be a divergence of our old information! If we can see the old and so still consistent information, we might be able to take from that information, then our new information can change things for the next timeline. A new history. We can watch how they adapt. We can learn from what they are doing. We may gain much valuable information about ourselves to aide us dramatically. New cures and new ways, perhaps much different technology. Perhaps, if we allow the new timeline to advance beyond our history and our circumstances they will create many new technological advancements, new valuable information to us here. We can use them to better ourselves.”
Toward 4 o’clock in the morning the two scientists drowned in happiness and new wonders of the possible hit-on another possibility. Afterwards they could not go to sleep and they were awake with anticipation of their new idea, until complete exhaustion the next evening.
“Sally! What about James Mason?”
“You mean that guy who was caught up in that incredibly complex psychological fixation and convinced that he had been reached by a team of scientists in the future? That guy who made that silly website to collect communications from people to be delivered through time travel? What was it called? Oh yes, Time Travel Wish?”
“Yah, the True Story of Time Travel Wish and Paradox One! My daughter Becca was reading it last year for her psychology class. He had the images that he couldn’t explain that had the 2068 operating system date stamps. No one would listen to him. He ended up making some money on the book and did the paranormal circuit for years. He had that strange image he claimed must have been put there for him to find. He called it a paradox. Harry didn’t he die from some really bizarre sex accident?”
“Oh yeah! He was the only man in history to die from having his head squezzed during cunningulus! It was this seven foot tall really hot looking Amazonian woman!”
“Get out Sally that’s mythology!”
“No seriously! She was orgasming and she didn’t know she was actually killing him! That’s the way that story goes anyway.
“Sally old friend you’re not going to believe what I am thinking now . . . . “
“Jesus Harry!”
“I’m going to say it. He would be the target buddy. He might just be perfect.”
“They called him crazy Harry. What if he really was?”
“There’s no way he was. He was too smart. Everything he ever did besides Time Travel Wish, indicated he was just fine. He was highly communicative. He was smart. He published plenty in the end. He was on-top of social and world events. He was reasonable in all other aspects in everything else he did. He had consensus among millions. He surrounded himself with smart and well educated people. That foundation isn’t so popular now, but it was at one time. These things about him could make him acceptable to the population. They were mostly very superstitious back then. Society was generally scared of new things, especially if those things were kind of spooky. Mason was a misunderstood eccentric, a type apart, he was unusual to say the least. As history defines people he was very much like a renaissance man. Too early for his time and Time Travel Wish was too mysterious to even be accepted as a possibility.”
“Now we’re freaking-me-out. This is too much, we need to stop. We need to just go home now.”
“Sally listen to me, I think we are on to something big to do with the discovery. We need to discuss this, I mean really discuss this! Sally this is a purpose. This could be the plan Sally. Holy shit . . . I may be right. We may be right. I know, it’s really freaky, but it’s doable and it kind of makes sense.”
“You realize don’t you Harry, you’re talking about a causality loop. We might be setting-it-up! This very discussion could now be part of the loop. This seems dangerous Harry. This may be over our heads. I don’t even want to think about it. You're entertaining the true existence of the literary concept of destiny. You realize that don’t you?”
“But if we make a causality loop, or if we are part of one right now, right here now . . the next people with different behavior, will have to get out of it. Sally . . they can get out of it if Mason is successful in convincing them the breach occurred, or will occur, or has occurred! But, we can make it so he is successful. We can give him far more. We can arrange for him to find far more than just inexplicable images. With this discovery we could manipulate electrons. We can fix it so he finds what we need him to find. Because we can help. Shit this is just fantastic! I know. It would be the first time in our history the concept was actually made real. Made real by us Sally, now at this little table here in this pub. Or maybe earlier by Mason - when he did that? True destiny Sally. Not just some fantastical word from some fantasy fiction novel, or from some video game. Real destiny. The first time ever. Something that has to happen because in this case it may have already. Drink up partner. Let’s get the fuck out of here before the pub owner asks us to invest as partners. Sally don’t tell anyone. Not yet. Promise?”
“You’ve got to be shitting me Harry. Tell someone this? Me? Right. Like I would want to end-up strapped into a neuronal pathway re-sequencer, like where you will likely end-up if you continue this . . . this incredible talk.”
The two experienced several moments of silence and drank their last beers. They were heady with the prospect of the new idea. Harry took the bold initiative of his proposal to target one man, and he used his new credibility to advance the idea. A man who in their time’s past had a shady and eccentric life. He had been misunderstood by billions in his time. He may have been completely wrong about Time Travel Wish but in the newly manipulated information he did not have to be.
It took Harry and Sally four years to convince their government to fund the project and then they assembled the first members of the team. Harry called them “Team A.” Harry became “number one.” It seemed natural that he lead the team. After all, he discovered the methodology for rule 5 to exist and he had the epiphany about Time Travel Wish.
Receiving the Nobel prize in physics had helped him to convince his government and other governments to fund the project. In a salute to a man that history had almost forgotten he decided to name the project Paradox One.
A different conversation of a different postulate:
The above conversation may have been very different. If another dimension was reached and so created, in the time that now appears, based upon recent discovery of the inexplicable appearance of an old but new window in a doctor’s office that I had been frequenting for many years, had occurred then this conversation would have been about communicating to me and then reaching me with classical (physical) material to ensure I could be located and possibly biologically manipulated. Harry’s idea to make a scheme to make money on collecting messages into the real thing may have been/will be an excellent idea.
I can entertain the possible. If I could not have, no discovery would have been possible. People, like Harry and Sally are, would be embarrassed by their peer’s impressions. The criticism would have ruined their careers if they had existed at a time prior to the discovery of rule number 5: the ability to reach into another timeline and both see and then manipulate that relatively simple (to them) atomic structure of electrons in a pattern. They would not have to see the current internet of their day, but if the original Time Travel Wish website had remained intact, then they could just study the original notes, online, left by its creator. They would have consistent information to work with in establishing a time target of consistency to then target all events that had been documented online by the principle target: James Gray Mason.