Page is still in build mode. 2/28/2015. Many tracks and descriptions have to be written and posted here.
The Project Audio Notes: 31 tracks with 3 hidden as of 2/25/2016. Approximately 20 tracks to come public in the future. The Time Travel Wish project audio notes. Since June of 2015.

All of these audio notes will have to appear here until such a time when I can find an interenet interface to hold all the service Soundcloud's embedds to display each sound in that format.
Many months without making an audio note. The alphanumerics appeared as if magically on the Inexplicable Background Image. I had been considering deleting all of Time Travel Wish, then BOOM, there they were. The asshole who got me upset because he mocked me, caused me to consider full deletion of everything.
Soundcloud audio note:
The journey forward through 2015. The confusion. The attempts to explain Time Travel Wish. What began as a scheme, turned into an experiment concurrent with the scheme. Occurrences in my past. Occurrences continue. Coincidence, sure okay, but ENOUGH of using this term! When they become a pattern with a singular relationship, I have to stop using this word "coincidence."
The context of each of these, more than 40, audio clips is myself exploring possibilities. With the exception of 1 or 2 of these audio notes, each is not pre-written diatribe, or well planned and prepared for. I was making these videos exactly when compelled to do so. My emotions are not withheld, although I try to maintain a civil aire. I have experience as a broadcaster and opinionater at a microphone on live radio. This talent can be heard. I am speaking my mind. I am relaying my personal experience.
From description of audio notes on service SoundCloud:
Audio notes of James Gray Mason. Creator: Time Travel Wish Inc. Founder: End All Suffering. Creator / Writer / Internet Pioneer. ** I cannot think of a more significant to science and history discovery in our history. I am very disappointed in all of us. I will compartmentalize this entire #science #arrogance #pride
*The Time Travel Wish project audio notes.*
Only 1 of these 30 audio notes was pre-written. That audio file is stated to be so and was made to distract and possibly save me from being killed by religious nuts. The rate of exposure has to be slow and careful. I strongly considered learning to write a research paper and present this all in one night to scientists around the world. Not my purview. Not me. All the others are my honest thoughts, entertaining the possibilities of the discovery. I am an amateur writer. Not a scientist. A team of white coated physicists working for a super power would be the exact wrong people to make this apparent first contact. I have been a plumber, a broadcaster, a college student. I am primarily an artist. I am a bit of comedian. For decades I have been a social political activist and a politico in progressive politics. There is much to me. Much more so than most people. If you dismiss this discovery that is expected and does not offend me. If you take the several hours it will take to get-it, you will be beside yourself with incredulity. That is the largess of this discovery. It is “incredible,” to me and to nearly everyone. That is the truth. All records are transparent to government and to anyone willing to investigate to ensure I am not conducting a fraudulent scam. I am incapable of such planning. I am smarter than most people, but not capable of the planning it would have taken to pull off a stunt, or a prank such as this is entire project APPEARS TO BE to so many skeptical viewers.
Consider please; This is very likely discovery of an experiment made during an experiment. As a person not affiliated with professional science I am not going to appear to be credible to all who expect scientific discovery to be carefully conducted staff of white coated mathematicians/physicists. No such organization was going to conduct an experiment like this. One person had to do this. One person using hope and confidence in science and humanity of the future. I know of human ability and I took a harmless chance on that ability of humans to manipulate their environment. No embarassment of peer review. No compulsion to be seen as better or worse by anyone else. This is NOT going to fit anyone's stereotypical images of what a scientific discovery looks like.
I suggest beginning with these audio notes before investigating all photographic evidence of Vegetation Displacement by Human Choice in Another Timeline. Then moving on to the Inexplicable Background Image, the oddly and inexplicable future dating of several images in the project - that STILL can not be explained. Investigate other aspects of apparent evidence in this entire project, including seeming coincidences in MY LIFE involving who I am. Knowing that one of them is a pre-written falsehood made purposefully to protect me and my family. I am granting Google+ users the opportunity to be there first. I am learning a great deal from all of you about how to best communicate this discovery. I am presenting this as who I am, a writer, a science and science fiction lover, an artist, a political activist and many other things that I truly am. Your dismissal does not offend me. In fact the skepticism teaches me to be better prepared for when the day comes that I will have to present this publicly. When you get it, you will be beside yourself with disbelief, you will struggle with reality as I have for all of this year so far. I am in celebratory mode, filled with joy and enjoying the fulfillment of what may be one of the most significant discoveries our our time - made by little old me, a regular, smarter than average guy, faced with a lifetime of challenges and adaptations to those many challenges.
From May 2015 - continuing as of 10/5/2015
1 . May, 30th, 2015: Google Communicates. Less than one month after artfully declaring a possible success on the website and engaging my thoughts in possible answers as to what was actually happening: This recording was made with two intents: 1. To document my hope that the project was being slowly and carefully recognized by the corporation Google, as was my plan to carefully release to just the right people, who may be the most helpful in getting the possible discovery recognized. 2. With only some certainty that it had been recognized this audio would be plant to get recognized, by indicating my seriousness, although possibly dead wrong, to an employee who in great amusement might show the recording to a manager above him or her and so then getting recognized by a major United States corporation - by mistake that was not a mistake, rather a plant for Google. A corporation that may help me in contacting the United States Government. Ensuring the safety of the paradox.
Audio notes of James Gray Mason, Time Travel Wish Inc., Google Communication with a person, who later manipulated the network for me and made his or her presence clear, was phenomenal and inspiring and so much more. That one person who caught on and had to get his head around this whole thing is a person I will be hugging. By James Gray Mason, May 30, 1:35 am -6 gmt.
Note from July 4, 2015:
Project audio notes: 7/4/2015: It is only about 4 weeks after realizing that the website may be hugely important to history. The site looks almost incomprehensible (as if it does not today). The very first person I knew who I attempted to break -the-news to of the discovery within Time Travel Wish. The person just would not listen. It was as if the person was experiencing the wind blowing over their head. I has asked the person to spend a couple of hours looking at the website/weblog. They likely only spent less than 20 minutes on the site. As this time, if I recall correctly, the longest time spent on the site had been 17 minutes by any visitor with a Google account. But she claimed to have looked at 5 pages, saw my notes, saw a video (probably stopped watching early), saw many images. Basically she reacted as a typical modern day all day internet speed browser, barely reaching halfway down any article or full page online.

I have my work cut-out for me.
How to explain a true paradox that was likely created by a time apart? The next challenge ahead of me.
It was inevitable that we would breach the barrier. As we do anything that prevents us from going somewhere or communicating to someplace. A force of nature. The person I am discussing at first in this audio note had not really grasped the basic scientific possibilities within current science.
I explain why I have been very cautious about exposure of what may have happened with me and the discovery. My fear of nutcases who may think me some prophesied sign because of the chosen aspect of this discovery, has caused me to only social network target a few types of people. Additionally it is likely that the very amateur appearance of Time Travel Wish is keeping many people, who may become those predicted people from realizing the appearance of the reality that busts open our reality, from realizing so and then targeting my family, my friends and loved ones and perhaps Tuvok and then me.
I explain in brief my experience with the trees.

2. June, 2nd, 2015: In my next recording I am describing the outcome of a causality loop that I fear I am in. The paradox depends on me and I may fail. Causing myself to strive to make the breach myself and that those two apparent electronic processes of mysterious appearance, the well insulated equipment box and the strange apparent process on the floor in front of the television are my own configuration. In fact at this time in June I had realized that the apparent (rather thick - too thick for the television's necessity) antenna cable that is stapled against the floor that appears to run through the dividing wall and possibly into the modern equipment box, looks very much like my own FM radio transmitting cable that rests in storage in a garage near my studio apartment still, today.
Fear that is my chair. My antenna. Me waiting again. Because you all f**ked up. Audio notes of James Gray Mason, Time Travel Wish Inc. / End All Suffering More at original site
Something about computer games. . . .

3. …….end edit 10/5/2015 10:23 pm -5
The possible relationship of an advanced civilization to myself and Time Travel Wish. Why "they," might be involved. Why me? The type 1A hypernova and gold, silver and titanium. The black craft that made themselves, very purposefully, visible on more than 2 "UFO" sightings in public media. SpaceX ISS payload launch. My essay was published, promoted for more than 1 year. I knew. I later made Time Travel Wish to make myself a target, in an honest attempt at exploring the possible. By James Gray Mason / Time Travel Wish, September, 29, 2015
The UFO / alien species involvement scenario. Considering possibilities again. Warning: Coming from the mind of a science fiction lover who has likely discovered something incredible.
A major what if. Considering the unlikely possibility of involvement by an advanced alien civilization in this apparent first communication from ourselves. I have had more than 8 weeks to ponder this among the many hundreds of questions that now loom in my mind. Audio notes by James Gray Mason, Time Travel Wish Inc. July 2015
Human Choices:
Builders of the rock wall near location 2 had made choices in their behavior of building the wall. It had been their only choices in one single existence of spacetime in the universe our other selves knew of prior to that shift.
Those choices used to be visible at location 2 as can be seen in the several images of 2011 from the exact same location.
The Project Audio Notes: 31 tracks with 3 hidden as of 2/25/2016. Approximately 20 tracks to come public in the future. The Time Travel Wish project audio notes. Since June of 2015.

All of these audio notes will have to appear here until such a time when I can find an interenet interface to hold all the service Soundcloud's embedds to display each sound in that format.
Many months without making an audio note. The alphanumerics appeared as if magically on the Inexplicable Background Image. I had been considering deleting all of Time Travel Wish, then BOOM, there they were. The asshole who got me upset because he mocked me, caused me to consider full deletion of everything.
Soundcloud audio note:
The journey forward through 2015. The confusion. The attempts to explain Time Travel Wish. What began as a scheme, turned into an experiment concurrent with the scheme. Occurrences in my past. Occurrences continue. Coincidence, sure okay, but ENOUGH of using this term! When they become a pattern with a singular relationship, I have to stop using this word "coincidence."
The context of each of these, more than 40, audio clips is myself exploring possibilities. With the exception of 1 or 2 of these audio notes, each is not pre-written diatribe, or well planned and prepared for. I was making these videos exactly when compelled to do so. My emotions are not withheld, although I try to maintain a civil aire. I have experience as a broadcaster and opinionater at a microphone on live radio. This talent can be heard. I am speaking my mind. I am relaying my personal experience.
From description of audio notes on service SoundCloud:
Audio notes of James Gray Mason. Creator: Time Travel Wish Inc. Founder: End All Suffering. Creator / Writer / Internet Pioneer. ** I cannot think of a more significant to science and history discovery in our history. I am very disappointed in all of us. I will compartmentalize this entire #science #arrogance #pride
*The Time Travel Wish project audio notes.*
Only 1 of these 30 audio notes was pre-written. That audio file is stated to be so and was made to distract and possibly save me from being killed by religious nuts. The rate of exposure has to be slow and careful. I strongly considered learning to write a research paper and present this all in one night to scientists around the world. Not my purview. Not me. All the others are my honest thoughts, entertaining the possibilities of the discovery. I am an amateur writer. Not a scientist. A team of white coated physicists working for a super power would be the exact wrong people to make this apparent first contact. I have been a plumber, a broadcaster, a college student. I am primarily an artist. I am a bit of comedian. For decades I have been a social political activist and a politico in progressive politics. There is much to me. Much more so than most people. If you dismiss this discovery that is expected and does not offend me. If you take the several hours it will take to get-it, you will be beside yourself with incredulity. That is the largess of this discovery. It is “incredible,” to me and to nearly everyone. That is the truth. All records are transparent to government and to anyone willing to investigate to ensure I am not conducting a fraudulent scam. I am incapable of such planning. I am smarter than most people, but not capable of the planning it would have taken to pull off a stunt, or a prank such as this is entire project APPEARS TO BE to so many skeptical viewers.
Consider please; This is very likely discovery of an experiment made during an experiment. As a person not affiliated with professional science I am not going to appear to be credible to all who expect scientific discovery to be carefully conducted staff of white coated mathematicians/physicists. No such organization was going to conduct an experiment like this. One person had to do this. One person using hope and confidence in science and humanity of the future. I know of human ability and I took a harmless chance on that ability of humans to manipulate their environment. No embarassment of peer review. No compulsion to be seen as better or worse by anyone else. This is NOT going to fit anyone's stereotypical images of what a scientific discovery looks like.
I suggest beginning with these audio notes before investigating all photographic evidence of Vegetation Displacement by Human Choice in Another Timeline. Then moving on to the Inexplicable Background Image, the oddly and inexplicable future dating of several images in the project - that STILL can not be explained. Investigate other aspects of apparent evidence in this entire project, including seeming coincidences in MY LIFE involving who I am. Knowing that one of them is a pre-written falsehood made purposefully to protect me and my family. I am granting Google+ users the opportunity to be there first. I am learning a great deal from all of you about how to best communicate this discovery. I am presenting this as who I am, a writer, a science and science fiction lover, an artist, a political activist and many other things that I truly am. Your dismissal does not offend me. In fact the skepticism teaches me to be better prepared for when the day comes that I will have to present this publicly. When you get it, you will be beside yourself with disbelief, you will struggle with reality as I have for all of this year so far. I am in celebratory mode, filled with joy and enjoying the fulfillment of what may be one of the most significant discoveries our our time - made by little old me, a regular, smarter than average guy, faced with a lifetime of challenges and adaptations to those many challenges.
From May 2015 - continuing as of 10/5/2015
1 . May, 30th, 2015: Google Communicates. Less than one month after artfully declaring a possible success on the website and engaging my thoughts in possible answers as to what was actually happening: This recording was made with two intents: 1. To document my hope that the project was being slowly and carefully recognized by the corporation Google, as was my plan to carefully release to just the right people, who may be the most helpful in getting the possible discovery recognized. 2. With only some certainty that it had been recognized this audio would be plant to get recognized, by indicating my seriousness, although possibly dead wrong, to an employee who in great amusement might show the recording to a manager above him or her and so then getting recognized by a major United States corporation - by mistake that was not a mistake, rather a plant for Google. A corporation that may help me in contacting the United States Government. Ensuring the safety of the paradox.
Audio notes of James Gray Mason, Time Travel Wish Inc., Google Communication with a person, who later manipulated the network for me and made his or her presence clear, was phenomenal and inspiring and so much more. That one person who caught on and had to get his head around this whole thing is a person I will be hugging. By James Gray Mason, May 30, 1:35 am -6 gmt.
Note from July 4, 2015:
Project audio notes: 7/4/2015: It is only about 4 weeks after realizing that the website may be hugely important to history. The site looks almost incomprehensible (as if it does not today). The very first person I knew who I attempted to break -the-news to of the discovery within Time Travel Wish. The person just would not listen. It was as if the person was experiencing the wind blowing over their head. I has asked the person to spend a couple of hours looking at the website/weblog. They likely only spent less than 20 minutes on the site. As this time, if I recall correctly, the longest time spent on the site had been 17 minutes by any visitor with a Google account. But she claimed to have looked at 5 pages, saw my notes, saw a video (probably stopped watching early), saw many images. Basically she reacted as a typical modern day all day internet speed browser, barely reaching halfway down any article or full page online.

I have my work cut-out for me.
How to explain a true paradox that was likely created by a time apart? The next challenge ahead of me.
It was inevitable that we would breach the barrier. As we do anything that prevents us from going somewhere or communicating to someplace. A force of nature. The person I am discussing at first in this audio note had not really grasped the basic scientific possibilities within current science.
I explain why I have been very cautious about exposure of what may have happened with me and the discovery. My fear of nutcases who may think me some prophesied sign because of the chosen aspect of this discovery, has caused me to only social network target a few types of people. Additionally it is likely that the very amateur appearance of Time Travel Wish is keeping many people, who may become those predicted people from realizing the appearance of the reality that busts open our reality, from realizing so and then targeting my family, my friends and loved ones and perhaps Tuvok and then me.
I explain in brief my experience with the trees.
I described for the person a scenario of our future.
They needed somebody back there, they needed the perfect person.
Two and two make one paradox in time’s apart.
They needed somebody back there, they needed the perfect person.
Two and two make one paradox in time’s apart.
2. June, 2nd, 2015: In my next recording I am describing the outcome of a causality loop that I fear I am in. The paradox depends on me and I may fail. Causing myself to strive to make the breach myself and that those two apparent electronic processes of mysterious appearance, the well insulated equipment box and the strange apparent process on the floor in front of the television are my own configuration. In fact at this time in June I had realized that the apparent (rather thick - too thick for the television's necessity) antenna cable that is stapled against the floor that appears to run through the dividing wall and possibly into the modern equipment box, looks very much like my own FM radio transmitting cable that rests in storage in a garage near my studio apartment still, today.
Fear that is my chair. My antenna. Me waiting again. Because you all f**ked up. Audio notes of James Gray Mason, Time Travel Wish Inc. / End All Suffering More at original site
Something about computer games. . . .
3. …….end edit 10/5/2015 10:23 pm -5
The possible relationship of an advanced civilization to myself and Time Travel Wish. Why "they," might be involved. Why me? The type 1A hypernova and gold, silver and titanium. The black craft that made themselves, very purposefully, visible on more than 2 "UFO" sightings in public media. SpaceX ISS payload launch. My essay was published, promoted for more than 1 year. I knew. I later made Time Travel Wish to make myself a target, in an honest attempt at exploring the possible. By James Gray Mason / Time Travel Wish, September, 29, 2015
The UFO / alien species involvement scenario. Considering possibilities again. Warning: Coming from the mind of a science fiction lover who has likely discovered something incredible.
A major what if. Considering the unlikely possibility of involvement by an advanced alien civilization in this apparent first communication from ourselves. I have had more than 8 weeks to ponder this among the many hundreds of questions that now loom in my mind. Audio notes by James Gray Mason, Time Travel Wish Inc. July 2015
Human Choices:
Builders of the rock wall near location 2 had made choices in their behavior of building the wall. It had been their only choices in one single existence of spacetime in the universe our other selves knew of prior to that shift.
Those choices used to be visible at location 2 as can be seen in the several images of 2011 from the exact same location.
June 7, 2014
A four-minute rant. Frustration with publicizing what was happening. If you can’t see that a paradox has been discovered then turn away, I don’t want you near the project.
Still very confusing. Explaining the layout of the website at dates only in relevant places on the posts and pages. Categorizing the time of events, on purpose, all over the pages in case the team was reading the site optically in their time. This appearance has kept many people away from the site and that’s fine because an artist made this site. I accepted all the risks and entertained all the possibilities. This website is more for them than it is laid out in order for internet surfers. It was an honest endeavour with all confidence in science and technology only.
Listen to the story from NPR, that seems to infer that there will be a biological use for quantum entanglement. The strange image. The image dating that this technologically unprepared webmaster could not have done (and I still cannot explain).
I am celebrating. I am tired of celebrating alone. My thoughts can all be read. I’m not some phoney, scam, liar. Remember what this website was supposed to be, a message delivery experiment.
Original site of experiment:
from August 2017
The Drop Search begins ...
The Alien Stone Discovery ...
The Great Rock and Roll Rock Robbery ...
Busting the Stone ...
The Guitar Rock Realization ...
Most RECENT: view-able sharing link: 2017 thru February 2020, discovery of Alien Stone, and Guitar Rock and communications, and Satan and biblical prophecy connections:
These are rough notes and Tweets and paragraphs for the website since early in 2017, 2+-years after the experiment began (successfully before it was created). I have barely reviewed much of it. I am sacrificing a lot of privacy by not having fully done so.
New document for 2020. that Document above is 1000 pages and malfunctioning; a sync issue.
This document; shareable, View able link:
View able new TTW NOTES / TWEETS:
View able new TTW NOTES / TWEETS:
Dates are ascending. I think that means begin reading from the bottom up (?) if you want to follow the timeline of discovery, speculation, confusion, biased desires and hopefulness.