The *Time Travel Wish Music Playlist:* Publicly shared on @AppleMusic. The commonality of this music is first; original melody by genius composers that has not been reproduced or stolen by later composers and used in modern music as their own. Secondly: rhythms that are mathematically pleasing for both calming rhythm and upbeat moods. Those upbeat songs all carry a note of the high C in dominance of the time throughout each piece. Thirdly: of course the theme of our perceptions of #time and the #space it occupies to humans as described lyrically. *Mostly this #spacetime is defined by the emotions of humans in recollection of memories, good or bad.*

It is our *regretful feeling* that enjoyable time does not happen frequently enough that causes that common perception that *time flies quickly when you’re having fun!* If you *value that you have ANY OF THAT TIME* you will not regret that time and it won’t matter to you that it *seemed to just fly-by.* You may find you experience that enjoyable time BETTER and so it seems longer!
That horrid long lasting perception of time is our *FEAR OF THE MEMORY of those moments. FEAR goes away - nearly always! That drifting memory of what SUCKS is why humans are proven to ADAPT very well - WE MOVE ON. So why remember it?* If you acknowledge this later statement: shitty time flys by! Why regret what is going to go away? Get it? Dig it.
If you can embrace the possibility that because of Time Travel Wish we live in a NEW TIME ON EARTH: you can feel genuine HOPE - we will be fine because *we ARE GOING TO MAKE IT.*
*The SHARED PUBLIC LINK at Apple Music*:
This music is what I listen to when it becomes #time to once again discover further, or work upon the exposure of Time Travel Wish to the limited public.
My personal weblog:

It is our *regretful feeling* that enjoyable time does not happen frequently enough that causes that common perception that *time flies quickly when you’re having fun!* If you *value that you have ANY OF THAT TIME* you will not regret that time and it won’t matter to you that it *seemed to just fly-by.* You may find you experience that enjoyable time BETTER and so it seems longer!
That horrid long lasting perception of time is our *FEAR OF THE MEMORY of those moments. FEAR goes away - nearly always! That drifting memory of what SUCKS is why humans are proven to ADAPT very well - WE MOVE ON. So why remember it?* If you acknowledge this later statement: shitty time flys by! Why regret what is going to go away? Get it? Dig it.
If you can embrace the possibility that because of Time Travel Wish we live in a NEW TIME ON EARTH: you can feel genuine HOPE - we will be fine because *we ARE GOING TO MAKE IT.*
*The SHARED PUBLIC LINK at Apple Music*:
This music is what I listen to when it becomes #time to once again discover further, or work upon the exposure of Time Travel Wish to the limited public.
My personal weblog:
Time Travel Wish on G+:
Original Site of Experiment: http://Paradox-One.toda or
#AppleMusic #TimeTravelWish #JamesGMason #Genius #SpaceTime #ScienceofMusic #HighC #MoodMusic #AsTimeGoesBy #youassholes