images with strange (2068) date stamps:
Team: <-A: We let him know here, in these #blackandwhite #photographs the date. #timetravel
On 2/3/2015 after first annoucning on weblog another DATE CHANGE inexplicable: The Mailbox, Silver Springs, MD, USA taken 12/31/2100 Still no reasonable explanation for this oddity.
NEW: 3/29/2015 9:48 pm -5: I noticed today after two weeks of doing a full computer search for "the date" that the original folder that contained PIC 7 (the first discovered odd 53 years into the future date stamped image) image now was entirely filled with odd dates of "the date," but many with minutes ranging from 12:00 am to 1:00 am on that same date. Image below: the folder on my new Windows 7 PC, with recently changed password/s, showing all 160 images. *Each of these images existed as newly made digital scans from negatives and color slides of the same time range as PIC 7 (Einstein on side). The images in this folder were scanned and the folder produced over 2 years ago and the folder has been accessed many times - this clearly visible new date stamping should have been noticed by now, if it had existed from that time. Still can not find legitimate technical reason for this phenomena. No one has answered this puzzle tying the relationships of these images to a technical answer. end edt 9:57 pm -5.
New: 3/6/2015 8:00 pm -5: You dippity-doos in government: did you not ever think that perhaps my easy passwords on this home network were EASY for a reason? Jeez. Site must be easily reachable and very predictable! Get it yet? Home network passwords changed. Still watching files and dates daily.
3/1/2015 1:04 pm -5. Still no explanation for these
anomalies. Am keeping all these files on 1
computer from now on. Not transferring, not
opening them. Using other copies on another PC
to make changes if wanted. - James
Update 8:23 am -5 3/12/2015: Image properties from 3/10- 13/15 Still no changes. It is clear that the 3 new images were only changed while on my newer Windows 7 PC and only in the Images On Site folder. This validates that the system and battery on the other PC was not likely responsible for Images 3, 8, 10. Where the first image, 7 was definitely changed on the older Vista PC, opened on the 3rd of February.
Update 10:48 pm -5 2/6/2015: No change except I have included date saved, date last viewed, date archived and date of creation in my searches. I am searching for news of the history of PC system automatic time stamping and I'm finding little to no information. I do remember when, in the 1990's the justice department had made a request of system installers that the machines's date and time stamping ability must remain unalterable, especially for images - to catch child pornagrahphers. People are using software, for images, to change that software's appearance of time stamping. But hiding the alteration within an image is not something I'm finding information about. As has been case since making this odd discovery: the originals from the first day of discovery remain on this site for anyone to be able to determine a good technical reason for this. Below is the same folder today. I have been careful to only back up this directory, once, to MS One Drive and a few times to a USB portable. edit 3/6/2015: People who are using linux and Unix based systems have access to software to change time stamps. 1 linux based system has visited this web site about once per week for the last 7-8 weeks. However, none of these images has touched an html server before discovery. end edit 11:00 pm -5 3/6/2015.
Team: <-A: We let him know here, in these #blackandwhite #photographs the date. #timetravel
Collage of February, 2015 observations
On 2/3/2015 after first annoucning on weblog another DATE CHANGE inexplicable: The Mailbox, Silver Springs, MD, USA taken 12/31/2100 Still no reasonable explanation for this oddity.
Now 160 images, plus 4 in another folder. Minutes within the same hour are all over the place in this new "observation." 9:59 pm -5 3/29/15
New: 3/6/2015 8:00 pm -5: You dippity-doos in government: did you not ever think that perhaps my easy passwords on this home network were EASY for a reason? Jeez. Site must be easily reachable and very predictable! Get it yet? Home network passwords changed. Still watching files and dates daily.
3/1/2015 1:04 pm -5. Still no explanation for these
anomalies. Am keeping all these files on 1
computer from now on. Not transferring, not
opening them. Using other copies on another PC
to make changes if wanted. - James
Update 8:23 am -5 3/12/2015: Image properties from 3/10- 13/15 Still no changes. It is clear that the 3 new images were only changed while on my newer Windows 7 PC and only in the Images On Site folder. This validates that the system and battery on the other PC was not likely responsible for Images 3, 8, 10. Where the first image, 7 was definitely changed on the older Vista PC, opened on the 3rd of February.
Update 10:48 pm -5 2/6/2015: No change except I have included date saved, date last viewed, date archived and date of creation in my searches. I am searching for news of the history of PC system automatic time stamping and I'm finding little to no information. I do remember when, in the 1990's the justice department had made a request of system installers that the machines's date and time stamping ability must remain unalterable, especially for images - to catch child pornagrahphers. People are using software, for images, to change that software's appearance of time stamping. But hiding the alteration within an image is not something I'm finding information about. As has been case since making this odd discovery: the originals from the first day of discovery remain on this site for anyone to be able to determine a good technical reason for this. Below is the same folder today. I have been careful to only back up this directory, once, to MS One Drive and a few times to a USB portable. edit 3/6/2015: People who are using linux and Unix based systems have access to software to change time stamps. 1 linux based system has visited this web site about once per week for the last 7-8 weeks. However, none of these images has touched an html server before discovery. end edit 11:00 pm -5 3/6/2015.
Update 8:50 am -5 2/26/2015: Now a total of 4 images are appearing with very post dated time stamps. PICT007 (10) remains unchanged. The bio and system information on the Vista PC where that image was, when it's date stamp was discovered, indicates the battery is fine. That image remains unchanged. PICT0010(3) was placed on this web site after it's tone was adjusted on the 16th. The others were never placed on the site and were on the Windows 7 (new) PC only when their "modified and created" dates were noticed to have changed. Screen shot this morning:
These are the 3 newly found (post dated) images as they appear in folders now. Top is the first discovered 2068 time stamp - unchanged:
1:47 am -5 2/12/2015 Team: does this mean anything to you?:
Created: Saturday, April 14th, 2068 12:04:38 am.
Changed: Saturday, April 14th, 2068 1:04:40 am.
PICT007 First discovered post dated image. Still unchanged. |
PICT0010: Newly discovered with 2068 time stamp. Opened on the 16th, Tone was adjusted then placed on site page: Who is this person . . |
PICT008 Newly discovered with 2068 time stamp. Looked at on the 16th. Never placed on site. |
PICT008 Newly discovered with 2068 time stamp. Opened on the 16th, tone adjusted. Never placed on site. |
end edit 9:46 am -5 2/26/2015
1:47 am -5 2/12/2015 Team: does this mean anything to you?:
Created: Saturday, April 14th, 2068 12:04:38 am.
Changed: Saturday, April 14th, 2068 1:04:40 am.
On February 10th I opened the file, rotated it, then saved it. I had not used it since. In Windows properties it reads: Modified: Saturday, April 14, 2068 12:04:40 AM. All other dating is consistent. It gained 2 seconds from the time I found it, as seen in graphics program (top image) to this screenshot (bottom image) in Windows properties approximately 48 hours later. end edit 1:27 am -5 2/14/2015. 2:36 pm -5 2/14/2015 The image has re-gained the lost 2 seconds.
3:27 pm -5 2/13/2015 I have posted a forum question regarding how the timestamp may have changed at Toms' Guide and am anxiously awaiting what the geeks there have to say. 2:18 pm -5 2/14/2015 Suggestions so far from that forum: 1. An old battery in the PC can present inaccurate time stamps. No indication from the techno geeks that this inaccuracy could post-date an image by decades forwards. 2. Servers sometimes mis-date posts and images (by minutes and seconds) especially when transferred internationally. However, this copy had not touched internet servers when this observation was made - it was only used to make another image for this site. 3. There is a graphics program process called "cloning" (I was not familiar with this process) which often results in color loss or degradation - this may be relevant as this image was used on the 10th of February, to make the lower image on this sites' page titled Albert and God, in which I added fluorescent green lines to illuminate the tree behind Alberts' left shoulder. However, that image production remains unchanged, both in folders on two hard drives, a USB portable, and on this site. I am so far, not finding their suggestions to be reasonably consistent with this time stamping occurrence. end edit 2:35 pm -5 2/14/2015.
11:37 pm -5 2/22/2015: Keeping a watchful eye on all images in the Time Travel Wish Inc. folders. No changes since the above abnormality. No additional feedback on tech web site forum.
12:18 pm -5 2/15/2015 On this link below the date appears in graphical text; subject line is (oddly) History of the Future: Except for this subject line, and the exact date (coincidence) chosen for the apparently fictitious paragraph, I see no relationship to this website at this time. edit: 10:28 pm -5 3/29/2015: Unless these people are later followers of this website, or persons who were "touched" previously by the paradox (Pr) and came to know of this date due to a later relationship with this site, perhaps only as frequent visitors from a foreign land? Am watching for Nepal visitors and filtering for visits in anylitics. Also appears here: from that domain,
1:02 pm -5 2/15/2015 Personal weblog from Kathmandu, Nepal: posted on April 14, 2011. "Naya bharsa ko laagi 2068, shuba kamana! Which translates to: Happy New Year, 2068. Love, all of us in COSAN, at Daman View Tower, Makwanpur, Nepal. Posted by Tiffany at Thursday, April 14, 2011 ... Nepal dated 2011."