February, 2017: I am done with all of this. I needed only a cursory understanding of the hypotheticals and theories of space-time to proceed with the the idea for this, once simple attempt at a message delivery website - from ourselves, from our future, or another one. DONE!!!
2/29/2016. Many new discoveries since creating this information page. :-) The timing is not a coincidence. It is a safe time for an intervention. If curious as to what I mean; Roddenberry's Prime Directive, in Star Trek, is a great example in our science fiction. "Safe" means; Intervention by a much more advanced civilization will not greatly interfere with our expected progress. Here is an example of what we are discovering about this cosmos; Timeline B. As it is unique (we will find out in several decades) from Timeline A, where we were "born" from.
Future affects what we detect in present because we are in an artificially created cosmos experiencing a time apart from "A"
TA’s quantum is effecting TB’s experience. Got it? No you do not. Not yet.
You cannot test this by attempting to set up a different choice of an arrival of the plane. You cannot fool the quantum in “TB” if making different choices from “TA.” Because TA already “knows.” Spooky by a different level. This spooky was different in TA. There the quantum could not be predicted. Because there was no already occurring state that had to be consistent.
4/30/15: "Right on-the-heels . . . " Brian Swingle (Stanford, CA) Using tensor networks (to understand spacetime): “Entanglement is the fabric of space-time,” said Swingle, who is now a researcher at Stanford University. “It’s the thread that binds the system together, that makes the collective properties different from the individual properties. But to really see the interesting collective behavior, you need to understand how that entanglement is distributed.”
New: 3/11/2015 4:29 pm -5 : Loon and possibilities risked for discovery and great benefit from the company that keeps this website secure and public - for free: Please return.
You Won't Read This! About our attention span for our passing interests while online.
Wickipedia: Time Travel
What is Relativity?
Books on Amazon: Time
Quora questions and answers: Time Travel
YouTube Query: Time Travel (mostly entertaining).
Why Time Can't Go Backward: Physicists Explain
Quantum Entanglement.
Principle of Locality - Local Realism
Piled High Deeper - Yo
Government Requests of Privacy Invasion
u Tube, Animations, much on Quantum theory.
A kind of a primer on atomic particle study, its history, its arguments and more:
" . . we are therefore incapable of
Time. Understanding principals:
This first video is a graphical explanation, that explains the possibility there exists a 4th dimension, that our senses are unable to perceive. It shows us why we perceive the present becoming the past.
From the PBS documentary: An Elegant Universe: Albert Einsteins' unification of space and time theory:
Attempting to rule-out several theories of time's existence. Worth watching if you are of the opinion that time is only our perception (because this presentation will validate that hypothesis.) A philosophically driven contrarian who wants us to accept that "time does not exist." Does Time exist? How 'Time travel Paradoxes' can't happen without "the past".
Space & Time:
Quantum Entanglement Described:
Read: Wickipedia, Quantum Entanglement.
They call it Quantum Theory: Quantum Physics and How We Affect Realty.
Related: Quantum Entanglement and Spooky Action at a Distance:
Fascinating Audio: NPR One: Amanda Feels Everyone Else Always. Mirror Touch Synesthesia and Quantum Entanglement Theory. "NPR Science Reporter Geoff Brumfiel gives Alix and Lulu a primer on the theory of quantum entanglement. Then, the hosts introduce you to Amanda, who can physically feel what other people are feeling." From NPR One.
I see a window of opportunity in this ability for early time travel experimentation. Do you see it? - James
Read: Wikipedia: Principles of Locality and Local Realism.
What is Quantum Tunneling. Pay attention to the use of the word "probable" in this video, it is a fundamental.
What is a quantum computer? A short and sweet explanation.
Here is a beauty. I had to watch it twice and I'll need to watch it more: - James An artist theory on the physics of 'Time' as a physical process. Quantum Atom Theory:
Please go to YouTube and rate and subscribe to encourage more of these wonderful graphical presentations. YouTube Channel:
This is about an hour and is well made.
From: existics101.com " . .applying extra dimensions to time can successfully modify modern physics without violating the conservation laws long held to be true. Modern notions of quantum gravity and curved space-time can successfully be replaced with an infinitude of relative frames of reference, progressing and regressing through an infinite series of relations, which imply the existence of multidimensional time."
More on this and Inclusion and Exlusion theory, to come. Make suggestions please in comments. - thank you.
2/29/2016. Many new discoveries since creating this information page. :-) The timing is not a coincidence. It is a safe time for an intervention. If curious as to what I mean; Roddenberry's Prime Directive, in Star Trek, is a great example in our science fiction. "Safe" means; Intervention by a much more advanced civilization will not greatly interfere with our expected progress. Here is an example of what we are discovering about this cosmos; Timeline B. As it is unique (we will find out in several decades) from Timeline A, where we were "born" from.
To conceptualize what is being detected now, one needs to fathom the possibility that the quantum information that is a template of this new cosmos comes from another timeline where what will occur must occur. The future effects (physically) what we detect in the present, only in this circumstance of an artificially (or natural depending on your view of civilizations) created information cosmos that experiences a time apart from the first used cosmos to create this one. :-) Another way to conceptualize this phenomenon is to imagine that the quantum state at the desired location must be as the choices of the present are consistent with the informational data used to create this cosmos. Mind boggling to most people. I am hopeful that there are a few people on this planet who are conceptualizing this at this time, but it is unfortunate that they may be in fear of saying so publicly. We will eventually.
Future affects what we detect in present because we are in an artificially created cosmos experiencing a time apart from "A"
TA’s quantum is effecting TB’s experience. Got it? No you do not. Not yet.
You cannot test this by attempting to set up a different choice of an arrival of the plane. You cannot fool the quantum in “TB” if making different choices from “TA.” Because TA already “knows.” Spooky by a different level. This spooky was different in TA. There the quantum could not be predicted. Because there was no already occurring state that had to be consistent.
July 2023;
An impressive answer by Bard by Google; My question is what I have asked myself and answered online in places like here since around late January of 2015 when I first realized that my time travel experiment was likely successful before being created. Those many, mostly short for Tweeting, explanations are littered throughout my eight years of notes. Mostly repeated is ‘Successful Before it Was Created.’ The Time Travel Wish experiment is best described in paragraph four, as I was attempting to attract a traveler, or a group doing their own test to connect with me..
My question to Bard; Explain how a time travel experiment using an internet weblog to ask for help from the future can have become successful before the experiment had begun?
Bard, "A time travel experiment using an internet weblog to ask for help from the future can become successful before the experiment had begun if the experiment is self-fulfilling. This means that the act of creating the experiment and asking for help from the future actually creates the future that will provide the help.
For example, imagine that you create a blog post asking for help from the future to solve a problem. In the future, someone sees your blog post and decides to help you solve the problem. They then go back in time and post a comment on your blog post providing the solution. This solution then helps you to solve the problem in the present, which in turn creates the future where the person decided to help you.
This is a hypothetical example, but it illustrates the concept of self-fulfilling time travel. If an experiment is self-fulfilling, then it is possible for it to become successful before it had even begun."
"There are other ways that a time travel experiment using an internet weblog could become successful before it had begun. For example, if the experiment is designed to attract the attention of a time traveler, then it is possible that the time traveler could see the experiment in the past and decide to help. This would also create a self-fulfilling time loop."
Me: Because of the resulting time loop, a one-time travel event is a tremendous, big deal on any planet; there has to have been a crucial reason.
For example, saving the world;
![]() |
"James, there is too much radiation to exist here." |
"Of course, it is also possible that a time travel experiment using an internet weblog could fail. If no one from the future sees the experiment or decides to help, then the experiment will not be successful. However, the possibility of self-fulfilling time travel means that it is also possible for the experiment to succeed even if it seems like it should fail."
An educational path if interested in a complete beginning physics education: From Dr. Gerard t' Hooft: How to be a good theoretical physicist. Wish I had the time. :-)
4/30/15: "Right on-the-heels . . . " Brian Swingle (Stanford, CA) Using tensor networks (to understand spacetime): “Entanglement is the fabric of space-time,” said Swingle, who is now a researcher at Stanford University. “It’s the thread that binds the system together, that makes the collective properties different from the individual properties. But to really see the interesting collective behavior, you need to understand how that entanglement is distributed.”
New: 3/11/2015 4:29 pm -5 : Loon and possibilities risked for discovery and great benefit from the company that keeps this website secure and public - for free: Please return.
You Won't Read This! About our attention span for our passing interests while online.
Wickipedia: Time Travel
What is Relativity?
Books on Amazon: Time
Quora questions and answers: Time Travel
YouTube Query: Time Travel (mostly entertaining).
Why Time Can't Go Backward: Physicists Explain
Quantum Entanglement.
Principle of Locality - Local Realism
Piled High Deeper - Yo
Government Requests of Privacy Invasion
u Tube, Animations, much on Quantum theory.
A kind of a primer on atomic particle study, its history, its arguments and more:
" . . we are therefore incapable of
Readers: Please make suggestions for the webmaster for any content that TTW should link on this page. Use contact form on right side-bar. I will not publish your identity. Thank you.
Time. Understanding principals:
This first video is a graphical explanation, that explains the possibility there exists a 4th dimension, that our senses are unable to perceive. It shows us why we perceive the present becoming the past.
From the PBS documentary: An Elegant Universe: Albert Einsteins' unification of space and time theory:
Attempting to rule-out several theories of time's existence. Worth watching if you are of the opinion that time is only our perception (because this presentation will validate that hypothesis.) A philosophically driven contrarian who wants us to accept that "time does not exist." Does Time exist? How 'Time travel Paradoxes' can't happen without "the past".
Space & Time:
From TEDx: In this talk Thad Roberts reveals a theory that could prove to be the key in simplification of the various complexities of quantum mechanics, space, and time.
Thad Roberts, Visualizing Eleven Dimensions.
Thad Roberts, Visualizing Eleven Dimensions.
Quantum Entanglement Described:
Read: Wickipedia, Quantum Entanglement.
They call it Quantum Theory: Quantum Physics and How We Affect Realty.
From the University of New South Wales - Australia: A demonstration using a basic algebraic description of what Quantum Entanglement is NOT. Spooky action at a distance and more.
Related: Quantum Entanglement and Spooky Action at a Distance:
Fascinating Audio: NPR One: Amanda Feels Everyone Else Always. Mirror Touch Synesthesia and Quantum Entanglement Theory. "NPR Science Reporter Geoff Brumfiel gives Alix and Lulu a primer on the theory of quantum entanglement. Then, the hosts introduce you to Amanda, who can physically feel what other people are feeling." From NPR One.
10:20 am -5 2/20/2015: From a physicist friend about this story (above from NPR): "Hmmm. As far as I can tell this is a bizarre joke. Here is how I understand quantum entanglement. Imagine that Bob and Alice start out the day together. At some point each of them sees a movie at a different time and place. How the movie effects them seems to be completely random. One thing does emerge. If Bob is happy as a result of seeing the movie Alice is sad. If Bob is sad, Alice is happy. That is what we mean by entanglement. The outcome of seeing the movie is random, but the results are correlated no matter how far the theaters are in space and time."
I see a window of opportunity in this ability for early time travel experimentation. Do you see it? - James
"Nobody knows what happens inside quantum experiments. So why are some so keen to believe in parallel universes?"
By by Philip Ball: Too Many Words. A summary of the current state of the study and the language and understanding of quantum theory.
What is Quantum Tunneling. Pay attention to the use of the word "probable" in this video, it is a fundamental.
What is a quantum computer? A short and sweet explanation.
Lawrence Krauss: Quantum Computing Explained:
Here is a beauty. I had to watch it twice and I'll need to watch it more: - James An artist theory on the physics of 'Time' as a physical process. Quantum Atom Theory:
Please go to YouTube and rate and subscribe to encourage more of these wonderful graphical presentations. YouTube Channel:
Matter and Energy:
This is about an hour and is well made.
From: existics101.com " . .applying extra dimensions to time can successfully modify modern physics without violating the conservation laws long held to be true. Modern notions of quantum gravity and curved space-time can successfully be replaced with an infinitude of relative frames of reference, progressing and regressing through an infinite series of relations, which imply the existence of multidimensional time."